page. A photo of a woman standing in a field at sunset with one hand raised toward heaven.


Romans 12:1-2. The Apostle Paul speaking…

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, whole and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

As a believer, do you know what God’s will is for you?

Has His will been difficult to determine?

Have you given up ever knowing what He wants you to do?

Romans 12 is a roadmap that leads directly to His desires for you.

The scripture begins with an urgent and serious request, an appeal, to the believing brethren. Reminding them of God’s mercy toward His children. We are FORGIVEN—we are RENEWED—we are JUSTIFIED in the Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice! Which gives us freedom to move forward—to unstick ourselves from our past sins and rush headlong into a life of service.

So many people choose to return to their old/past habits, patterns, and behaviors—locking themselves in an emotional prison cell. But Jesus’ sacrifice busted the door is wide open! The God of love begs us to run out of that emotional trap and live a new life with Him.

The correct choice to to present ourselves to Him, fully focused and intentionally mentally involved in what He would have us do. This is a decision to turn ourselves over to Him fully, and represents a form of worship that proves the believer rejects this current world. It is a transformation of our minds away from sin, pride, and emotional entrapment—all the bad habits and old patterns of our previous lives that set us apart from God.

In this new decision—this new patterning—we are able to seek His desire for us. We begin by prayerfully asking for His guidance and then we step out to test what we think He wants. We test and test, always in prayer, to see if what we’re doing is good, and acceptable, and perfect in His sight.

If it is, He blesses the work. If it is not, He halts the work.

This process occurs over time, as each person is capable. God may test you, too, but He always provides only what you can handle at any given moment. The key is to stay focused on Him through prayer. Keep asking Him! This is the relationship He desires with you—love, communication, faith, trust.

As you shift away from your old emotional behaviors and into a fully mental understanding toward Him, He will reveal the big picture of service to you. Then all you have to do is obey.

Remember too, that your obedience will be observed in another way. Satan will attempt to thwart your obedience. Do not be confused. Keep praying! God will answer you as long as you remain in Him. One idea is to keep a journal of service oriented prayer requests. Daily jot down how He answers you. Patterns will emerge revealing to you what is from Him and what is not.

So, if you struggle to understand what service God wants from you—His perfect will for your life—Romans 12 is a great place to begin, then watch as His blessings toward you abundantly overflow!

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