page. A flowchart of The Kingdom, Power, and Glory notebook, part 4.


The differences in church Age teaching, how Satan has suppressed THE TRUTH, and how to fight through his deceit…

We live in the Church Age, which began after Christ died and continues today. The Church Age ceases with the Rapture. At that time Christ removes Himself from earth and completely turns the world over to its current king.

So understand…right now, Christ is here with us, working with the overcomes to bring others to Him, but more than that…to prepare His chosen for future reign with Him in the Millennial Kingdom. Right now, His living presence is everywhere, as He brings His chosen to Him. Right now we are witnessing great numbers of new believers.

When the time comes (that only God knows), and He removes His beloved from earth, all that will remain are those who rejected Him. Throughout the Tribulation many people will realize their mistake and turn to Him. They are redeemed and must live through the horrors of Satan having unrestrained control of earth. It is a horrifying time, but these saints prevail despite their many difficulties, until they are killed. They are the ones who cry out before the throne of God in Revelation 6:10, for His judgement.

As we near the end of the Church Age, the deceiver schemes to hide more and more of the original New Testament teachings from overcomers. Today’s flowchart shows you how you can fight back.

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