page. A photorealistic image of the Lord Jesus Christ's head and face. He's wearing a crown of thorns.


Here are a few interesting facts about the MK…

The Millennial Kingdom is 1000 years ruled by Jesus Christ on the throne of David on this present earth. Luke 1:31-33, Isaiah 9:6-7.

God’s beloved will live there. Those who accept Christ prior to the Rapture (vanishing, disappearing, harpazo, departure) will receive their transformed bodies, just like Christ. These believers will not age. They will have extraordinary capabilities. They will not marry, nor bear children.

Those believers who chose Christ before the Rapture, and chose to be obedient to Him here on earth, will be present during the Marriage Ceremony as His bride. After the Wedding Feast they will receive their inheritance. Jesus will provide them with the jobs of their dreams to rule and reign with Him. Christ will keep them close. They will have front row seats before the stage of activities in the Millennial Kingdom.

Those Christians who chose Christ before the Rapture, and were saved, but chose to live worldly lives while on earth, will be trained toward perfection in preparation for the New Heaven and Earth Age—the holy city of New Jerusalem—that follows the MK. These people will not be at the wedding ceremony, but will be included in the Wedding Feast—a huge and joyous affair. During the 1000 years they will fill the remainder of the stadium all the way up to the nose-bleed seats. (Please read the post Believer and Christian for the difference between the two)

Those who accept Christ after the Rapture will age during the MK. They will marry and repopulate the world for the duration of the 1000 years, during which earth will experience its largest population ever (Revelation 20:8). During the MK, the children generations will either chose the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, or they will not. At the end of the MK, the parents (who already accepted the Lord) and the children who chose Him during the 1000 years, will receive their new transformed bodies. Those children, from the many generations, who were born into goodness, joy, hope, and peace, but still refuse Him, will be killed.

Satan will be temporarily released from captivity in hell. He will gather the children who refuse Christ from all over the earth and form them into a vast army, much like he gathered at Armageddon. They will be as numerous as the sand on the seashore, and they will surround Jerusalem. The Lord will not them this army the opportunity to fight. They, along with Satan, will be struck down by His Word, and cast into the lake of fire.

Erwin Lutzer, a modern-day commentator who wrote One Minute After You Die, states that one-half of our time spent in the Millennial Kingdom will be worshiping God—singing, praising, glorifying, learning and discovering who He is.

Oh! How amazing it will be to listen to a choir of thousands sing praises to Him. How amazing it will be to sit at His feet and hear him teach!

Glory hallelujah and amen!

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