page. A photo of a very happy woman in a field of sunflowers with her face to the sun.


Condensed from ICR…

Breath and Spirit—Two things God provides each one of us, regardless of whether or not we choose Him. These two gifts remain within us until our physical death.

Neshumah is Hebrew for the breath of life that God breathed into Adam’s lungs when He created him, and is that first filling of the lungs each human experiences after birth—a God gift to every human being. Each day we live is a blessing from Him. As long as we breathe, He is with us. (Acts 17:25, 27-28)

Ruach is the spirit God gifts to every human. God is Spirit, and we are, too—being created in His image. These two elements are closely related and in Hebrew are often spoken of interchangeably.

When neshumah departs the physical body when we die, ruach departs also, and returns to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

In everything God provides! It is amazing, actually, how He takes care of it all.

Our only requirement is to make one decision throughout our lives on earth. Whereby, our destination is determined. The born again live forever in heaven with the Creator, where their neshumah will be restored when they receive their resurrected body.

Thank You, Lord!

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