page. A blurred photo of a man resting his head on a table while holding a cutout red heart.


EVERY SINGLE THING God does, orchestrates, directs to be done, and allows to happen, is for His good.

Nothing (not one moment, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century, or millennia) occurs without His direction. He knows how every single event will unfold—past, present, and future. He alone KNOWS how He works everything toward Himself! He cannot and will not be dissuaded.

His plan is to bring ONLY those who want Him, seek Him, live for Him, and strive toward Him. Right now, He is on the threshing floor separating the wheat from the chaff.

Humanity will deny. Mankind will demand more time. People will strive to maintain their tiny little lives. And they will refuse to choose.

👆🏼That’s huge, difficult to understand, and for those who have chosen unwisely—very difficult to accept. Because they want what they want. Their desires outweigh their knowledge—and their knowledge is limited by their refusal. They cannot fathom that what God does is outside their purview. No one controls God. He stands alone, while the wicked gather together.

Romans 1:28-32: Furthermore, because they did not think it worthwhile to keep knowing God fully, God turned them over to their reprobate minds to perform acts that should not be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, quarreling, deceit, and viciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, haughty, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient, foolish, faithless, heartless, and ruthless. Although they know God’s just requirement—that those who practice such things deserve to die—they not only do these things but even applaud others who practice them.

But look toward a greater understanding. Look at what God did from HIS perspective…how could anyone sacrifice their Child for the greater good of the entire world? One Man/God dying for everyone else. Taking the full weight of all the sins of the world onto Himself, so that every single one of those sinners could be washed clean by His blood. Thousands of years of sinfulness onto one Man. That’s what He did.

And He did it ONLY for the sinners who choose Him. He did it while the sinner was still sinning—while they did not comprehend. He did it for His beloved—those He predestined—before the beginning of time—who would claim Him as their Savior, and be washed clean as snow from their sinful nature.

From our human perspective that’s not much of a bargain for the Lord…one Man for many.

From His perspective He bargained everything for His beloved. He willingly made Himself small, submitting His life to save the ones who choose Him. He welcomes them with open arms. He shows His beloved His wounds—not as a reminder of what He did for us—but to show us how valuable we are to Him. And then He wraps His children in His protection…

…and He will avenge them upon His return. For every person who has suffered in His name, for every believer who has been persecuted, He will avenge them a thousand-fold. For He will NOT come the second time as a meek Lamb. Oh no! He will roar onto earth with a savage two-edged tongue, filled with justice. He will plow through the armies of unbelievers and kill them all. (Hebrews 4:12, Revelation 1:16, Revelation 2:12)

Therefore, mankind’s tiny comprehension of what is occurring matters not to Him. He will not stop simply because humanity questions His actions, or because they refuse to understand.


Humanity will either accept Him—and what He does—or they won’t. It matters not, as He continues forward to bring about His perfect will.

Nothing will stop Him.
Nothing will hinder Him.
Nothing will change His mind, as He plows forward to rescue and return to Himself as many of His own as will have Him.

White or black, good or evil, life or death, right or left, sheep or goat, Jesus or Satan. Time is running out. The war is raging in the spiritual realm. The ramping up has begun…

Oh Lord Most High, You are our Savior, Redeemer, and King of kings. No other gods before You Lord, as You march straight toward Your goal of bringing Your beloved into perfection. You are the Lion of Judah, the Messiah, the One Who Reigns. Protect Your beloved O Lord, through this time of battle. Open their eyes to see only that which You deem necessary, so they may go boldly forward in Your name. Use those who seek You to bring others to You. Give them the correct words that will shake the slumbering awake. Gird them and protect them as they do the work You deigned for each, and show those who don’t yet know, what their work is. Yank heads out of the sand, Lord. Turn ostriches into soldiers. Provide them with Your weapons of love, truth, hope, and fearlessness. Make them to go out into their specific spheres, bold and sure, with Your words upon their lips. Grant them open hearts and willing minds to all who would listen. In Your Holy name, Lord, our King, our Beloved. Bless and keep them.


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