page. A graphic illustration of people going into a big blue church.


Who is the Great I AM, Who Was, Who Is, and Is To Come? The Lord Jesus Christ, past, present, and future:

For the past Lord created everything in perfection. The past Lord tested His beloved couple using the fallen angel Lucifer, knowing they would fail. The consequences of disobedience are great, therefore, the past Lord removed Adam and Eve from Eden and placed them into a corrupt world—to save them from the horrors of eating Tree of Life while living in iniquity. The past Lord watched as humanity dove headfirst into deprivation so deep God the Father flooded the earth to wipe it clean. The past Lord saved Noah, the one pure-blooded man who was righteous in His sight. Those eight survivors of the flood repopulated earth, but despite their pure blood, sin remained in the children of Noah. The past Lord continued down His Father’s timeline, dealing with Sodom and Gomorrah, forever preparing for the day when He would die for all mankind—to release them from their iniquity. The past Lord sacrificed Himself in perfect accordance to His scriptures—not a moment before, nor a moment after the allotted time. The past Lord rose Himself from the dead to be physically present 40 days. Then the past Lord—resurrected—ascended into the throne room of heaven, seated at His Father’s right hand. Ten days later He gifted His 11 remaining disciples, along with the newly elected one, with Holy Spirit and on that day, along with the 3000, He began His gentile church—known as the Church Age—the 2000+ year timeframe in which we live.

The present Lord Jesus Christ continues to bring God’s beloved (those recorded in the Book of Life) into His gentile church, thus forming a body of fully adopted believers (saved, redeemed, and justified) who answered His call by opening the door of their hearts and inviting Him in. The present Lord watches to see whom among God’s saved will present themselves to Him in sanctification (those in the Lamb’s Book of Life). This too is a choice. This present Lord sets the sanctified apart and teaches them how to gather His beloved mankind creation away from the world, away from Satan’s grasp, away from returning to their old sin-filled selves prior to their victory choice. This present Lord seeks obedience. This present Lord blesses His faithful obedient with His protection. This present Lord equips His overcomers. This present Lord builds their faith. He provides God’s otherworldly truth, wisdom, knowledge, and discernment, and trusts them with His mysteries. He prunes those who seek His service, who die to self, so that all their good works reveal His holiness, His truth, His Way to everlasting life. This present Lord is overwhelmingly loving, kind, gentle, hope filled, promising, joyous, and peaceful. He constantly provides the truth-filled blessings, gold that cannot be burned away, blessings worthy of Him and His sanctified. This present Lord will lift up God’s chosen in the Harpazo. This present Lord will judge God’s chosen at the Judgement Seat of Christ, where their works on earth are scrutinized—dead works will be burned away, the gold, silver, and bronze works will be rewarded accordingly. This present Lord will present those rewards.

The future Lord will come in full righteous power, might, and glory as the King—separate and far above all other kings. The King will avenge His corrupt creation. He will set aside His faithful ones. He will vindicate His persecuted, and afflicted. The King will kill all sin and sinners from the face of the earth. The King will speak death over the unwilling earth-dwellers who chose against Him; the followers of Satan. The King will cast these down, lock them away in a place so grievous no one presently alive wants to accept the definition, the condition, or the unspeakable horrors. The King will reign 1000 years, the exact time it takes to train those in God’s Book of Life, who were saved, but then returned to their worldly ways. They will be trained into righteousness so they may proceed into the Last Age, the Kingdom of God.

The King will set above them as their rulers and teachers, the faithful and obedient ones, His overcomers (whose names are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life), who served Him during their days on earth. The King will set aside His faithful ones to be His temple servants. The King will separate those He wants near to Him, and those He casts out into the outer darkness. The King will separate His faithful and include them in His Wedding Ceremony, from those who will only attend the Marriage Feast. These are two separate ceremonies determined according to faithfulness. The King will witness and allow the Millennial-born children their right to free will—to either choose Him, or choose against Him. The King will send an angel to release Satan from the abominable place, to be leader over the Millennial unfaithful. Then the King will have no mercy. He will destroy the Millennial army, lead by Satan, and cast all of them into the lake of fire—a place far below the abominable place.

The King will sit as Judge during the Great White Throne Judgement and the five books of recording will stand as jury beside the Book of Life. The King will call up all the dead from the beginning of time. They will be called out of the deepest seas, the highest mountains, from across the land, and from Hell and Hades, and beyond. Before the Saints of Heaven, the dead will stand before Him and their actions will be judged. If their names are not recorded in the Book Of Life, the King will throw them into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. This is the second death to anyone who chose against Him.

Then the King will burn this present earth, destroying it forever, and God the Father will send down from heaven the New Heaven and the New Earth. Inside will be the glorious City of God, the New Jerusalem, where God will be revealed for the first time in history. The Triune God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will be throughout the City. The Tree of Life will be restored, blooming and producing fruit beside the River of Life. The multitudes in their transformed bodies will live within the 1500 mile square by 1500 mile high City of God. Praise and worship, singing, and joy-filled learning will be our job. Taught by Jesus, and all of the great Old and New Testament men of faith—Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Enoch, Noah, David, Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Elijah, Elisha, the disciples and apostles, Saul who became Paul, and others. Multitudes will sit at their feet to hear their witness of the glory and majesty of the Triune God. Perfection will reign forever, and evermore.

So let him who hath ears harken the last several verses Jesus spoke to the Laodicean church in Revelation 3:18: “Therefore, I advise you to buy from Me gold purified in fire, so you may be rich in Mine eyes, white clothes to wear so your shameful nakedness won’t show, and ointment to put on your eyes so you may see. I correct and discipline those whom I love, so be serious and repent! Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with Me. To the one who conquers I will give a place to sit with Me on My throne, just as I have conquered and have sat down with My Father on His throne. Let everyone listen to what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Emphasis added for those seeking sanctification)

Laodicean Christians! Join the Army of God. Become the servant warrior conquerors who do His will. In total obedience, let Him work through you to reach those within your sphere. Be bold, never ashamed, always seek what He desires, never prideful or vain, become knowledgeable, wise, and discerning. Then live within His mighty protection. Cover the present Lord in thanks and gratitude, praise and worship, for His many promises and blessings. Then, again and again worship Him, and praise, and thank Him for what He did, and what He is about to do. (Please read the post Believer and Christian for the difference between the two)

Repent, return, and receive reward.


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