page. A photorealistic illustration of a broken jar.


As we witness the nations of the world plot and scheme;
as we witness the governments of the world conspire against their own people, passing laws in the dark of night, surrendering sovereignty, removing rights, and forcing their people into situations they do not wish to be part of;
as we watch the precursor developments of the one world order (from Revelation) take fruition, Psalm 2 roars into clarity:

“Why are the nations in an uproar, and their people involved in a vain plot? As the kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers conspire together against the Lord and His anointed One, they say ‘let us tear off Their shackles from us, and cast off Their chains.’ He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord God scoffs at them. In His anger He rebukes them, and in His wrath He terrifies them; “I have set My King on Zion, My holy mountain. Let Me announce the decree of the Lord that He told Me: “You are My Son, today I have become Your Father. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations as Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as Your possession. You will break them with an iron rod, You will shatter them like pottery.” “Therefore, kings act wisely! Earthly rulers, be warned! Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son before He becomes angry, and you die where you stand. Indeed, His wrath can flare up quickly. How blessed are those who take refuge in Him.”

And we see that nations are in an uproar today—Ukraine, USA, Russia, China, France, Italy, Canada, Great Britain, Australia—and many more. But when the tribulation begins, and The Great Tribulation follows, when the Antichrist divides the world’s nations into 10 regions under his one world dictatorship, and then kills three of the ten kings he set to rule—the eagle, the lion, and the bear—then the uproar will be deafening.

So right now nations are plotting to take their stand in the one world rule. Secret promises, and secret wars, and secret monies are being traded—all against the people of their nations and against God. Every single nation in the list above is conspiring against God, His Son, and Holy Spirit, saying they want to be freed from God’s ‘shackles and chains’.

Lies and deceit.

Our current world is living under the usurper—the liar— and his shackles and chains. Not God’s… But Satan is a master at twisting the truth, and the masses are too ignorant to see his lies.

And all the while, the Triune Godhead LAUGHS at our world leaders and their vanity.

God scoffs in their faces. The Triune mocks these world leaders, and makes fun of them, causes them to look like idiots tripping over ‘sandbags’ at major graduation ceremonies, and banging their heads against military equipment they’ve flown in a hundred times.

But today’s world leaders have yet to experience the terror that will fall upon them.

They have yet to feel His wrath.

They ignore that the Lord Jesus Christ is set above them as their true and rightful King.

Today’s world leaders know deep in their hearts that He is King of kings, and Lord of lords, and still they seek that which they desire—destruction in return for rulership and money.

All that is created belongs to the Lord Most High as decreed in Psalm 2 by His Father. The Lord Jesus Christ will break them into a thousand shards, like shattered pottery, and rule over the remainder of the lost with an iron rod.

Today’s world leaders are warned again and again throughout scripture to serve the Lord in fear and trembling so as not to be judged unrighteously, because God sees what they are doing to their nations, and to God’s people. Every evil deed will be punished.

Therefore, they are urged to come and fall at His feet and repent and kiss Him before it is too late, before His anger rises, and He kills them where they stand. The Lord has been patient for millennia, but when His wrath finally comes, it will come quickly, and swiftly will He respond.

And to those who take refuge in Him, He rules with love, kindness, gentleness, acceptance, peace, and hope.


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