page. Photo of the cute talking she-donkey, part 4.


Prophesy number one down—more coming. Now let’s tackle Prophesy #2…
Numbers 23:11—Balak asked Balaam, “What are you doing to me? I brought you to curse my enemies, not pronounce a blessing!”

In response Balaam asked, “Shouldn’t I be careful to communicate only what the Lord puts in my mouth?”

Balak responded, “Come with me to another place where you can see the Israelites. You’ll only see a portion of them, because you won’t be able to see them completely. Come and curse them from there for me.”

Unbelievably, Balak repeatedly believes THE LOCATION will cause God to curse the Israelites. Balak cannot differentiate between geographical location and people.

Interesting, but why?

Because Balak uses ‘high places’ to sacrifice to his gods. He erected poles and idols in these high places for the Moabites to worship to their god Baal (also translated Ba’al or Bell). Take note: Be aware of any Biblical location identified as a high place, because in most cases, the location of the sacrifice is more important than the sacrifice itself.

Remember, too, that Balaam made King Balak build 7 Hebrew alters, where 7 bulls and 7 rams were sacrificed. Then Balaam told Balak to leave him alone and Balaam went to one of Balak’s high places to await God’s response to the sacrifices! Very bad.

We are coming to a dark period in Israel’s history regarding specific locations (high places) and specific idol gods (Baal)—and this is important to remember, because the same atrocities Israel committed back then, are happening in every nation, by every people group throughout the world today.

We continue with Numbers 23:14—King Balak took Balaam to the field of Zophim, and from there to the top of Mount Pisgah, where he built another seven alters and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each. Balaam repeated his desire to be alone so the Lord could speak to him.

The Lord said to Balaam, “Now go back to Balak and speak to him.”

Once again, Balaam returned to King Balak and his officials, who were standing beside the second set of alters, and Balak asked what the Lord said.

In response Balaam uttered the second prophetic statement from God: “Stand up, Balak, and pay attention! Listen to me, you son of Zippor! God is not a human male—He doesn’t lie, nor is He a human being—He never vacillates. Once He speaks up, He’s going to act, isn’t He? Once He makes a promise, He’ll fulfill it, won’t He? Look! I’ve received a blessing, and so I will bless. I won’t withdraw it. He has not responded to iniquity in Jacob or gazed at mischief in Israel. The Lord his God is with them, and the triumphant cry of a king is among them. From Egypt God brought them—His strength was like a wild ox! No Satanic plan against Jacob, nor divination against Israel can ever prevail. When the time is right, it is to be asked about Jacob and Israel, ‘What has God accomplished?’ Look! The Israelites are like lions. Like the lion, He rises up! He does not lie down again until He has consumed the prey and drunk the blood of the slain.”

WOW! Once again, Balak learns that no matter where Balaam’s mouth is located, God will not free it from His control. Amusingly, the she-donkey holds a higher status than her owner because in her obedience—speaking just the one time—God let her go! Additionally, we learn another one of King Balak’s personality traits—the man is downright stubborn—like a donkey!

In this second prophesy Balaam speaks two important upcoming events regarding Israel—these will occur during the Great Tribulation.

  1. The Lord God is with Israel, despite how things might appear to the rest of the world. As proof, Balaam points out God’s enormous power when He rescued Israel from Pharaoh—He was like a wild ox. (Anyone who’s had to deal with an angry bull knows how powerful, unpredictable, and dangerous they are.)
  2. Not one of Satan’s plans against Israel will stand. NO DIVINATION WILL PREVAIL.

The Lion of Judah (one of Christ’s many names) will rise up at the end of the Great Tribulation and take back what belongs to Him by destroying the armies of Satan in the valley of Armageddon where the blood will run so deep it rises to the height of the horse’s bridles—for 200 miles. That’s 4 to 5 feet deep! Christ’s Second Coming is through the clouds, where He rides a white horse with His saints mounted behind Him, and kills Satan’s army with the two edged sword of His mouth (the Word of God). The Lord Jesus Christ will reclaim all of earth as His own. He will restore His possession, His creation, back to Eden, because no divination will prevail against Him.

So understand this…

Balak, king of the Moabites worships Baal on the high places. Baal, Ba’al, Bell are some of Satan’s many names. During their worst divinations, the Moabites sacrificed live children to Baal in their high places.

There is a graphic and highly notable correlation warning (to the inhabitants of earth) between the talking she-donkey, Balaam’s mouth, and July 4th 2023 Angel events…

Thank You Lord God , our Father, for Your continued warnings, and for Your continued patience with humanity as You gather the elect, as You separate the sheep from the goats, as You winnow the wheat from the chaff. Lord Almighty, Thank You that our Lord Jesus Christ is at Your right hand today in the throne room of heaven, waiting and fully prepared for Your Word, and what is to come in the catching up, and the Messiah on the Throne of David. We ask, in this our humble prayer—Come, Lord Jesus, come!


Part 5 on the way…

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