page. A photorealistic depiction of the Lord Jesus Christ looking out over earth.


“Once the Father sets His loving gaze on a wandering sinner, that sinner’s rescue is certain.”

Give thanks to God the Father, for He is forever searching for the wandering sinner. Give thanks too, that He hears His beloved’s voices—our fervent prayers and petitions for our lost loved ones—and then directs His gaze toward them. Once He does, their everlasting future is secured.

(Thank You Heavenly Father! Amen.)

Then God extracts these newly minted believers from the world and hands them over to His Son, because no one can come to the Son without first being chosen by the Father, as seen in John 6:44—“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them…” (This is the reason believers are often called “The Elect”, and yet—the Lord Jesus Christ died for everyone.)

After the Father draws them, then Jesus wraps these spiritual babes in His loving, patient, guiding, and disciplining arms, and nurtures them in The Way toward spiritual maturity. John 6:37–“Everything the Father gives Me will come to Me, and I will never, most certainly ever, turn away the one who comes to Me.” (The Greek uses a double negative for emphasis.)

Jesus prayed to His Father many times, thanking Him for delivering His chosen to Him. John 17:20-21—“I ask not only on behalf of these men (His disciples), but also on behalf of those who will believe in Me through their message, so that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are in Me and I am in You, may they also be one in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.”

May believers, young and old, bask in God the Father’s, and His Holy Son’s safety net today.


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