page. A photo of man kneeling beside his bed and praying.


Psalm 139:17-24 (King David speaking):

“How deep are Your thoughts, God! How great is their number! Were I to count them, they would number more than the sand. When I awake, I will be with You. God, if only You would execute the wicked, so that the men guilty of bloodshed would get away from me, who speak against You with evil motives, Your enemies who are acting in vain. I hate those who hate You, LORD, do I not? I loathe those who rebel against You, do I not? With consummate hatred I hate them; I consider them my enemies. Examine me, God, and know my mind, test me, and know my thoughts. See if there is any offensive tendency in me, and lead me in the eternal way.”

God’s thoughts are considerable, substantial, extensive, and numerous as the sand on every seashore.

His eyes see, and His ears hear every glorious AND nefarious act being committed by mankind. He knows! God keeps books on every act.

Through this Davidic Psalm God wants His chosen to be aware of His thoughts. He will declare and manifest them by His actions. Then we see Him working for our good. David rejoices in this, because when he wakes he is with God.

Then David asks God to execute wicked people! To have them killed on his behalf! Why? Because David is totally aware that he is one of God’s elect. David sees no reason why he SHOULDN’T ask for God’s vengeance.

David is on the side of the Lord, and the Lord is on David’s side. With God’s grace and mercy He fights for David, and for goodness—against EVIL.

But it gets more intense!

“I hate those who hate You, LORD! Don’t I?!?!!!?”

I loathe those who rebel against You! Don’t I?!?!!!?”

CONSUMMATE HATRED! Hatred so intense it becomes a transaction made perfect in God’s sight! God’s enemies become David’s enemies. David’s enemies become God’s enemies.


God’s glory will be manifested and declared through His actions—both positive and negative.
Why? Because a human’s choice regarding acting toward good or evil belongs to the individual. Why again? Because God provided a free gift—a way toward goodness—to every single human being. His salvation is the single most important gift in all creation.

Throughout the Old Testament God, and consequently His Son (the angel of the Lord) avenged those whom They loved. In the above scripture God avenged David against King Saul, and also against Absalom.

In the last days, as recorded in the NT book of Revelation, the Lord Jesus Christ, through God the Father, will wreak vengeance against His enemies. This will be conducted with pinpoint accuracy and total concentrated mindfulness. God will not allow anyone who heaps evil on His beloved to escape His wrath and retribution.

Take note above, that David requests vengeance in the deep private evening conversations he has with God just prior to sleep. Why? So that when he awakens, he is with God throughout the day. So that he remains mindful of God’s desires for him.

David SEEKS examination. He asks God to penetrate his heart and check, and double-check, that there is no offensive thoughts or tendencies in him. David asks to be tested to ensure he stays on God’s eternal path for him.


  1. God is watching. This makes people either comfortable or uncomfortable. Those comforted by this fact, walk daily in His ways. They are bold. They are righteous to do His work. And they are not afraid to ask for His mighty avenging protection to get it done!
  2. Talk to God in the deep secret darkness before sleep about the things you would never say publicly. If God blesses your requests for vengeance against your enemies, then His enemies are your enemies, and your enemies are His enemies. (There are a lot of enemies conducting evil against God’s beloved right now.)
  3. It would behoove believers today to understand that the Triune God hates sin.

The Triune God HATES evil! Strong language for a loving Savior, but prior to His earthly birth, and during the tribulation and Great Tribulation, and during His Second Coming, the Lord Jesus Christ, through God the Father did/will wreak vengeance against His enemies.

  1. Ask God to EXAMINE and TEST you, so your heart remains humble and your mind is aligned with Him. Then, in faith, ask that He lead you in His eternal Way.

Amen!The Triune God HATES evil! Strong language for a loving Savior, but prior to His earthly birth, and during the tribulation and Great Tribulation, and during His Second Coming, the Lord Jesus Christ, through God the Father did/will wreak vengeance against His enemies.

  1. Ask God to EXAMINE and TEST you, so your heart remains humble and your mind is aligned with Him. Then, in faith, ask that He lead you in His eternal Way.


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