page. A photorealistic illustration of the Lord Jesus Christ sitting beside a fire and praying.


As things escalate, this bears repeating:

Satan is the great deceiver. He can appear in many forms to beguile the unaware. His subtleties span the gamut of covert intelligence. He is capable of transforming himself into a fire-breathing dragon or roaring lion to create fear beyond logic. Then, in the blink of an eye, he can present himself as an angel of light feigning goodness, peace, joy, and the ‘answer’ to suffering.

He is wily. He uses guilt and shame to pressure, and he flips between his tactical arsenal FAST! Why? Because elevated confusion works beautifully—particularly on the unaware. Hard hitting emotional pressure wears a person down until they surrender their God-given ability to THINK.

There are two absolute daily protections that send Satan away:

  1. Put on the whole Armor of God in Ephesians 6.
  2. Worship, praise, and spend dedicated personal time with the Lord.

Remember what Jesus told His believers:

John 16:33—“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world.”

This Keep-It-Simple promise from our Lord rejects all applied emotional pressures and returns us to His truthfulness, peace, goodness, and joy.

Stay within His love, friends. Amen.

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