page. A graphic illustration of the word FAITH.


…that often the world CANNOT see (2 Corinthians 4:4). They call the Gospel of Good News, and subsequently believers—naive, weak, or even foolish. But what the world claims about the faithful, intending to be uncomplementary, the Lord assures opposite.

By faith we believe (Hebrews 11:3, Romans 4:16 and 10:10, 2 Corinthians 5:7). The believer’s heartfelt confidence and conviction of a non-physical person is outlandish and downright idiotic to those who love the world.

By faith we trust (Psalm 118:8 and 146:3). The believer’s reliance and dependence on Spiritual scriptural evidence and truth, rather than man-made education, drives the world to label believers as critically uneducated.

By faith we have hope (Romans 15:13, Hebrews 11:1). The believer’s internal optimism and expectation of everlasting life with God and His Son forever, pushes the boundaries of human knowledge. It is easier for the world to claim the Shepherd’s flock are weaklings, easily manipulated, and incapable of logical thought.

The separation is simple. Believers rely upon God and His truth. The worldly rely upon themselves.

Taking a careful and thorough look at our current world should be convincing evidence for the faith, confidence, conviction, reliance, dependence, optimism, and expectations only found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Simplicity either drives one to be blinded by it, or to recognize it. Until a person decides to seek something other than what they know, they will remain in darkness (John 3:19-20). The deceiver makes sure of this (John 12:35-36, and full circle back to 2 Corinthians 4:4).

Jesus is The Light of the World (John 8:12).

The Son of God has overcome the world (John 16:33), and one day He will return and reclaim from the god of this world what is rightfully His:

Creation! (Revelation 3:21)

Oh, glorious and wonderful day!


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