One. Two. Seven. The Cross points left and right symbolizing the choice believers make regarding sanctification.


Beware, for there is an untruth—a deceit—manifesting throughout the world today; a belief that a person can simply say “The Sinners Prayer”, or “The Salvation Prayer” and the prayer itself will save them. The deceit is that reciting the words will gain the speaker eternal life with God.

NO, it won’t.

This deceit is generated by the current holder of the Deed to Earth, who is also the current ruler of earth—Satan. It is a subtle way, among many, for this fallen angel to twist the truth of salvation by deceiving humanity. He uses an untruth—a prayer that the unaware actually pray to him!—to yank them away from the true loving Father God and His offer of eternal salvation.

You see, salvation is provided by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is called grace by faith, for the Lord Jesus Christ set Himself as our redeeming sacrifice. He died, and took on the entire sin of the world, so that humanity may live. Then He rose from the dead, resurrected, and in so doing destroyed the second death FOREVER. John 3:16 states: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” This remarkable scripture explains in simple words, that belief in the Lord Jesus Christ—through FAITH—must be understood before a person can come into eternal salivation.

But, there’s more. Ephesians 2:8 tells us: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not of your own doing; it is the gift of God.”

God provides the gift of grace that leads to faith. No person can do this on their own. Too many people believe that their goodness, or their lifelong attempts to “be good” are enough to get them into heaven. No one, NOT ONE, is better than another, and no one is sinless. Not one human being is within the perfection that the LORD God demands.

It is ONLY by the sacrificial blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that anyone can be made righteous before God. Jesus’ blood spilled on that cross is what covers a person when the time comes to be judged—and everyone will be judged. One drop of the Lord Jesus Christ’s precious blood covers the true believer’s sins by God’s grace. 

In discovering this truth—this knowledge—the true believer recognizes that they are sin-filled. Asking forgiveness for their sins becomes an act of repentance of the heart toward a loving LORD God. This is the acknowledgment that He alone is perfect, and that we can only be perfected and accepted THROUGH HIS SON.

By placing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and then asking Him to come into hearts and minds—this starts the process of the new believer becoming a child of God. In John 1:12 we understand this truth: “But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”

Oh rejoice!

Then, the saved must trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone to be their true and only Savior. For He died and rose and is alive today sitting upon His Father’s throne, awaiting the moment the LORD God releases Him to gather His children to him in the great harpazo—which is the forceful snatching away of God’s Church from earth.

Once these things are fully understood, then a heartfelt prayer is formed and is spoken from the true seekers lips to the LORD God, through His one and only Son. For one cannot get to the Father except through His Son, as John 14:6 states: Jesus said unto him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man can come unto the Father, but by Me.”

Now, enter the next part of the plan of the Kingdom of God:

One. Two. SEVEN!

One’s are those believers who attend church once a week. They sing, they fellowship, they listen to the preacher, and they go home—never thinking, throughout the remainder of the week—about developing a relationship with the One who saved them. They do not have Holy Spirit indwelling within them, and because they do not, they also cannot learn what Jesus’ will is in their lives.


Because it is Holy Spirit who provides the necessary knowledge, wisdom and discernment to learn Jesus’ will. So, One’s will go about their worldliness with no further relational development with the LORD. But it’s true, the One’s DID pray and receive basic salvation. They will attain eternal life with the LORD God and His Son. However, they will spend the entirety of King Jesus’ Millennial Kingdom learning the necessary knowledge, wisdom and discernment of WHO the Triune Godhead actually is and what They did for them.

The Two’s proudly add Wednesdays to their church-going activities. They sing, they eat potluck dinners, they listen to the Wednesday teacher, and they go home. But throughout the remaining five days they go about their lives, rarely do they consider deepening their relationship with the Father and Son. But they can’t, because Holy Spirit isn’t in their lives, either. They do not know Him, and therefore they cannot hear His corrections and subsequent directions. They are devoid of knowledge, wisdom and discernment—without which they have no obedience—and without obedience, there is no service unto the LORD.

(Right now, this very day, all of the Ones and Twos have the opportunity to correct their unfaithfulness, repent of their sins, and turn around toward the Triune Godhead. Should they become a Faithful One—an Overcomer—their rewards will be beyond comprehension.)

Finally, there are the SEVEN’s. They are the Lord’s Faithful Ones—the constant ‘seven-days-a-week’ seekers who desire a very deep and personal relationship with the Trinity. They may go to church, they may add Wednesday nights to their activities—or they may not. But, because they want to know Abba Father, and because they want to know His Son, they are gifted with Holy Spirit—who then provides to them the necessary knowledge, wisdom, and discernment they seek. This brings something else—a deep desire to be obedient to the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, for His will steers the true believer toward the works Jesus has planned for them. Knowing this, SEVEN’s quietly live their lives producing good works for God’s Kingdom. They know they are but pilgrims traveling through this world on their way to His Kingdom. SEVEN’s separate themselves from worldly desires, concentrating instead upon doing the work which they are assigned—the work that the Lord Jesus assigns to them. SEVEN’s seek to assist the lost by bringing them to the Lord, so the Lord can complete eternal salvation in these people.

How do SEVENs do this?

    • Through daily relationship development with the Lord Jesus Christ. SEVEN’s spend devoted quality time in God’s Word every single day.

    • SEVEN’s pray continuously for their spouses, family, and friends. They also pray for God’s international Church and God’s TRUE chosen people—the Nation Israel. They fervently pray for God’s Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven. This is King Jesus’ Millennial Kingdom first and then God’s New Heaven and New Earth Kingdom, which is crowned by the New Jerusalem. SEVEN’s constantly pray for a deeper relationship, deeper faith, deeper knowledge, wisdom and discernment in their lives. They pray for all of humanity to turn back toward the LORD God of creation.

    • SEVEN’s get down on their knees and flat on their faces in supplication for the world’s current leaders, governments, agencies, and institutions.

    • SEVEN’s stand tall and raise their hands to heaven in praise and worship and thankfulness to an Almighty God Who sent His Son as a sacrifice and as The Resurrection for all mankind.

    • SEVEN’s dig into the Tanakh to study how the LORD God operates. They recognize His ways, His great love, His great patience, and His great judgements upon His people and the people of earth.

    • SEVEN’s dig into the New Testament to learn how to behave as mature believers desiring to become Faithful Ones—the Lord’s overcomers. SEVEN’s research God’s Word to fully understand that in order for God to be God He WILL love the few who seek the narrow path and the narrow gate, because SEVEN’s know how difficult it is to walk that single file Way that leads to choosing and obeying Him.

    • SEVEN’s also dig into God’s Word to study the fact that the LORD God must bring judgement upon those who defy and reject Him. For God alone created humanity, and He and His Son are ALMIGHTY. The Triune Godhead created and possess absolutely everything. They also control everything. And together, they keep the deepest evil—the battles that currently rage in the spiritual realms—far away from earth. Ephesians 6:12—For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

So, choose to turn away from the deception of a faithless prayer—one that does not lead to salvation. Turn instead, to the LORD God Almighty and His one and only Son, for your true eternal salvation.

Ones and Twos—turn back to the Son who sacrificed Himself to save you for all eternity. Deepen your relationship and become one of His Faithful Ones. Become a SEVEN!—for at this very moment the LORD God is separating, His threshing floor is active, and His winnowing has begun. Matthew 3:12“His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

Earth is nearing the finite number of those who are God’s Church.

When that number is complete, God will release His Son to gather His Church—first the sleeping will rise and then the living will be snatched away.

And the final age will begin.

Amen and AMEN!

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