Equal Parts. A clock ticks down the final minutes of 2023.


Residing deep in the true believer’s heart are equal parts of joy and sadness. For joy comes in the morning, but sadness follows when believers face another day outside the glorious promised rule and reign of our Lord Jesus Christ.

And as another year closes, here lies the contrast of every believer’s hope…


We don’t know how many new believers came to know the Lord in 2023, but throughout the world—in every believer’s heart—the hope is, that number soared over a million. Because every person who chooses God’s love, and joins the body of Christ, draws God’s Church ever closer to His finite number. The Trinity knows who these people are and how many are yet to be gathered. For Jesus made it clear—He would leave the 99 to seek the one who is lost. (Matthew 18:12-14)

So, how could this be counted as joy?

For some of us, that one new believer is all that matters. The miracle of their understanding, then observing that person running from sin, followed by their choice to accept the Lord and fall gratefully into His everlasting love—is unexplainable JOY!

OH, the rejoicing when the 100th beloved finds their way to the Father, through the Son.

But, how does this joyful moment happen?

Quite simply, God set His eyes upon them, and when they were His, He looked to the next one, and then the next! Father God will not stop inclining Himself toward His beloved until each and every one of His chosen is gathered to Him, for God’s faithfulness endures forever.

And the hope that there were a million+ new believers in 2023, brings joy to God’s Church, for each new brother and sister brings us ever closer to the final one, until the body is complete.

But there is even more joy in the act of prayer.

How many believers raise faithful prayers up to God hoping that today will be the day ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done’?

And believers aren’t picky. Either Kingdom will do—be it King Jesus’ Millennial Kingdom Reign or the Third Age of God’s Kingdom of Heaven. Believers are promised amazing residence in both of these Kingdoms, for the Millennial Kingdom wraps up the Second Age of this current world, and the Kingdom of Heaven brings forth the final—and perfected—Third Age.

Both Kingdoms promise joy and fulfillment—in fact, many of God’s faithful promises to His Church will be satisfied through King Jesus’ reign on earth, and ALL OF THEM will be fulfilled in God’s final Age in the New Jerusalem. And here are some surprising benefits…

In both Kingdoms God’s Church, in their new resurrected bodies will have the capability of moving freely between dimensions—this means instantaneous travel between one place and another.

How do we know this?

After Jesus’ resurrection, He suddenly appeared inside an upper room in Jerusalem that had no windows and a locked door. His disciples were astounded to see Him. They could not fathom how He got in. But then they remembered what He’d told them before He was crucified. In great joy, they ate and drank with Him, and then He vanished. Moments later, two of Jesus followers were walking on the road to Emmaus (a small town seven miles outside Jerusalem) when a stranger asked them what all the fuss was about? Incredulous, the two men shared the events of the previous week with Him. They did not recognize Him, but asked that He join them as they walked. He did, and presented a seven-mile long bible study before they realized who He was. (Luke 24)

In both Kingdoms God’s Church will never again personally experience pain, suffering, disease, agony, trials, tribulations, death, sin, confusion, evil—a very long list.

But, how do we know this?

God promised that after the harpazo, His Church would only know perfection. They will witness what other people experience and they will remember, but these experiences will not affect them personally.


In equal measure a great sadness, longing, and yearning comes with each new day. The questions abound:

O Son of God, when will that last lost sheep be brought into Your fold?

How long must we wait Lord, for You to step out of heaven and call us to meet You in the air?

How long must we wait, O Bright and Morning Star, for You to rise up from the right hand of God Almighty, to step out of heaven and sound Your trumpet, and call us away with a triumphant shout?

We long to be with You forever! We wait, O Lord. We pray. We yearn and hope and long for that day…for there is sadness in the waiting, as we watch the world crumble around us.

We yearn for You as you usher in another New Year.

And we ask…will this be the year You call Your beloved into the sky?

We pray it is, but for those who are yet lost, we also pray that it is not.

Equal parts of joy and sadness surround us as the final hours of 2023 come to a close.

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