page. Photo of the cute talking she-donkey, part 6.


In Numbers 24:10 we witness King Balak’s response to Balaam’s third prophesy.

Balak flew into a rage and he started hitting his fists together. “I called you to curse my enemies,” he yelled at Balaam. “But look here! You’ve blessed them three times! Now get out of here! I had promised you that I would definitely honor you, but now the LORD has kept me from doing that!”

But Balaam replied to Balak, “I told your messengers, ‘Even if Balak gives me his palace full of silver and gold, I won’t double-cross the command of the LORD and do anything—whether good or evil—on my own initiative, because I’m going to say whatever the LORD says.’ Meanwhile, since I have to return to my people, come and listen while I tell you what this people will be doing to your people in the last days.

Of course Balak got angry! His narrow perspective kept him blinded. His great desire to curse Israel repeatedly blocked any ability to recognize God would not curse His chosen nation. Yet, Balak has some idea that the Lord is blocking Balaam’s payment.

Have you ever encountered someone who refuses to see anything outside their own desires? Have you attempted to assist them, hoping by doing so, they might recognize God’s perspective? Have you discovered you cannot change them, and it’s best to walk away and let God deal with them?

Well, Balaam should have walked away. Instead, he boldly stands up to King Balak’s temper tantrum. He boldly ignores the fact that twice he told Balak he would not double-cross the Lord. Yet, immediately following this 👆🏼declaration, he sneakily beckons King Balak aside and shares the secret of how to destroy God’s people!

In scripture God used Balaam to warn His beloved against end-time false prophets. As the world hurtles toward the Rapture and all that follows, it behooves believers to remember that Jesus warned us during His Olivet Discourse to Peter, Andrew, James, and John that one of the major signs of the end times would be false prophets. God used Balaam to prophesy His Word, and God also used Balaam as an example of how false teachers are deceptive, and not afraid to use divinations, sorcery, omens, and treachery to gain personal riches, and attempt to deceive the elect.

Let’s continue with the final Balaam prophesies before discussing how Balaam betrayed Israel—God has Balaam utter this profound statement about himself…

Numbers 24:15—“The declaration by Beor’s son Balaam, a declaration by the strong, blind man. A declaration from one who hears what God has to say, who knows what the Most High knows, who saw the vision that the Almighty revealed, who keeps stumbling with open eyes.”

WOW! Balaam just betrayed Israel, and the Lord makes Balaam say the very words that show us Balaam knew he did it! Balaam thinks himself a strong man. Well, he certainly is regarding his strong desire to take Balak’s money. He is the type of ‘strong’ man who beats an innocent she-donkey. Balaam is definitely strong in his heart to do evil!

Bear this in mind: The payment of sin is death! (Romans 6:23)

Immediately after Balaam’s secret tête-à-tête with Balak, and just prior to leaving, God has Balaam utter the following prophesies:

Numbers 24:17-25—“I can see him, but not right now. I observe him, but from a distance. A star streams forth from Jacob; a scepter arises from Israel. He will crush Moab’s forehead, along with all of Seth’s descendants. Edom will be a conquered nation and Seir will be Israel’s defeated foe, while Israel performs valiantly. He will rule over Jacob, annihilating those who survive in the city.” Next, Balaam looked directly at Amalek and then uttered this prophetic statement: “Even though Amalek is an international leader, his future is permanent destruction.” Balaam also uttered this prophetic statement about the Kenites: “Your dwelling places are stable, because your nest is carved in solid rock. Nevertheless, Kain will be incinerated.

How long will it take until Asshur takes you hostage?” Finally, he uttered this prophetic statement: “Ah, who can live, unless God makes it happen? Ships under control of Kittim will devastate Asshur and Eber, until they are permanently destroyed.” Then Balaam got up, returned to his country, and Balak went on his way.

So, note that these final Balaam prophesies are very different from the previous ones; with good reason.

Cuz here’s the thing. There are places in scripture where God is intentionally obscure, where God deliberately hides things, and where God is vague. He has His reasons for doing this, and sometimes He explains, and sometimes He does not. Daniel 2:22 and 28, Daniel 12:4, Revelation 10:4, and God’s concealment of the date of the Rapture are a few examples.

With that understood…here’s what is known: The descendants from the tribes dating back to the Abrahamic Covenant (Hagar’s son Ishmael, along with Rebecca and Issac’s son Esau) become part of the Nation of Islam. They and their descendants war against Israel throughout time, right up to the end of the Great Tribulation. As that time period comes to a close, these Islamic people groups will be eliminated.

BUT! Jesus died for everyone, including the descendants of Ishmael and Esau, and today there are those within the Nation of Islam who have chosen Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. These believers are stoned to death every day. God will avenge this practice, and avenge Islam’s war against Israel, as the above prophesies regarding Moab, Seth, Edom, Seir, Amalek, Kain, Asshur, Kittim, and Eber indicate.

Additionally, Balaam’s last prophesies indicate how this will occur: crushing skulls, annihilating, permanent destruction, incineration, devastated until permanently destroyed.

What sort of warfare does that sound like? (Research the Magog invasion)

Part 7 sums it all up, and it’s coming soon.

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