page. A photo of a man standing and looking up to heaven with his hands crossed over his chest.


Do you remember who you were prior to your salvation?

Charity Gayle (et al) wrote and performs Thank You Jesus for the Blood—a song that reminds us of who we were, and how His saving grace changes us:

“I was a wretch. I remember who I was. I was lost. I was blind. I was running out of time.
Sin separated, the breach was far too wide.
But from the far side of the chasm You had me in Your sight.
So You made a way, across the great divide. Left behind heaven’s throne, to build it here inside.
And there at the cross You paid the debt I owed. Broke my chains. Freed my soul. For the first time I had hope.”

Prior to our salvation—our being washed in His blood—none of us, not ONE, is more than a wretch in the Father’s eyes. We were lost, blinded to God’s truth, love, mercy, and grace. Pitiful creatures running out of time down the highway toward death.

Sin separated us across a wide chasm (Luke 16:19), a breach in God’s original plan for us because of Adam and Eve’s choice. But before creation God knew all of this. He kept us in His sight by building a bridge of blood upon His Son—a bridge upon which believers walk toward our eternity with Him.

God made a Way, sending Jesus from His heavenly throne down to earth, so believers could have Him in their hearts. By way of the cross He ransomed us. He paid our sin-debts IN FULL to give us hope. In His resurrection Jesus broke the chains of death and freed us from Satan’s deceit—once and for all.

Believers will stand before the throne as Satan attempts to condemn, but he will be unable, because of Jesus’ sacrificial blood on our behalf!

In a believer’s life, this gives rise to daily praise and worship—heartfelt thanks to our Lord and Savior…

“Thank you Jesus, for the blood applied. Thank you Jesus, it has washed me white. Thank you Jesus, You have SAVED MY LIFE! Brought me from the darkness into glorious light.”

Amen and AMEN!

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