page. A blurred photo of the Lord Jesus Christ reaching out to the camera.


The time to choose Him is now.
Step away from the sins of the world (Revelation 18:4). For a great world-wide harvest is occurring where the wheat is being separated from the chafe (Jeremiah 23:28, Matthew 3:12, Matthew 13:30, Luke 3:17). Where the sheep are being separated from the goats (Matthew 25:32-46).

The time to choose Him is now.
Then pray, asking Him to show you how He wants you to serve. He will show you your new job.
Only the Lord knows what that job is:

    You might be a soldier. 
    You might be an encourager.
    You might be a prayer warrior.
    You might be a healer.
    You might be a caregiver or a teacher to soldier’s children.
    You might grow organic food.
    You might bake bread.
    You might sew clothes.
    You might milk cows.
    You might be a teacher in a home church.

You might be…only God knows…
Regardless, choose Him without fear.
Put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:11) and get to work serving others.
Do not concern yourself with what, when, where, and how. God will provide the necessary knowledge, tools, equipment, procedures, education, process.
He does this supernaturally. The ‘download’ is an amazing and awesome experience; as is everything He blesses His children with.
Trust that He will move in Ways you cannot imagine, because His Ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Be READY! Choose Him NOW!

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