page. A photo of a bunch of red ants swarming on a picnic table.


Republished from TheREDWords Telegram Channel, June 2021

Were you trained from a youngster to save? Put away for a rainy day? Piggy banks to savings accounts—retirement to investments. Makes perfect sense in a normal world, because nothing goes wrong.

But, we are not living in a normal world anymore. A year and a half ago one could purchase everything and anything—provided you had funds. Today a person can have funds, but everything and anything isn’t available. And store managers, suppliers, distributors are saying they don’t know when items will become available. These folks are attempting to remain upbeat and positive as supply chains collapse and shortages rise. Good for them…after all, no one wants to be responsible for public panic.

Yet the difficulty remains, and so does the question? The one nobody wants to ask.

What will you do when the supplies run out?

God said, “Go to the ant…” in Proverbs 6:6, “observe her ways, and be wise.”

Ants are industrious little critters, working daily to store enough food for an entire colony to eat for months. Prudent in their process, they work together to ensure their survival. They refuse to quit until the job is complete.

God said, “Go to the ant,” because one can’t eat currency, gold, or silver. A bank full of money is useless if there is no food available. One can’t demand an automotive part with a fist full of dollars or a credit card, if the part is not available.

“Go to the ant” means using wisdom to prepare.

Water. Food. Clothing. Shelter. Protection. Information.

But what else?

How about preparing your heart to receive the Good New of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Yes. It requires preparation, because a hard heart—one that doubts, or refuses knowledge and discernmentwill remain outside the realms of faith. Preparing for the Gospel requires an open mind, the willingness to learn, and the ability to step away from the ‘knowledge of the world”.

You see, humans are inundated with non-God information from birth to death, unless their lives are interrupted with information regarding Who God is, and what He did for them. One doesn’t learn this from school or non-believing family members or friends. God knowledge is obtained from a dedicated believer, someone who already knows and has acknowledged the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.

These believers are not ‘special’. In fact, they are ordinary people with a story to tell—a testimony about how they were reached and saved from sin, and now share a personal relationship with the Lord. True believers live their lives differently than the rest of the world—they live outside the worldly realm—from a mental perspective. Of course, they are physically here, but they live toward a time when they can be reunited with Jesus—either through physical death or something called the Rapture, Harpazo (in the Greek), departure, vanishing, disappearance.

Sound otherworldly?

It is, because God is otherworldly. He resides in the universe as Spirit, but one day believers will see Him physically walking beside His Son down the golden streets of the New Jerusalem.

So, my friend, consider the importance of the preparation of your heart to receive the blessings and gifts provided by the Lord Jesus Christ. Go to the ant, because those little creatures strive to prepare themselves for the future.

In His Holy Name. Amen.

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