page. A photo of the Lord Jesus Christ reaching out to the viewer.


A song by Bryan and Katie Torwalt, ©2017

To comprehend that before the beginning of time, prior to the very foundations of creation, Jesus saw Himself on the cross—built from a tree He created, and on a hill He formed.

And He said, “it is good.”

Jesus orchestrated His final breath, all for us; for our hope and joy in Him forever.

And claimed, “it is good!”

So many people see Him hanging on that cross, and they stop there. They wear jewelry with Him hanging in death. They go no further. They never see the reason for His sacrifice, not understanding that the best was yet to come.

Jesus knew the true and absolute goodness of His death! His crowning achievement!

He went down into hell and took two keys (the key of death and the key of hell, Revelation 1:17-18) away from the non-king, the NOT-god, the usurper—Satan.

Then the Light of the World pierced the darkness of that horrible place. Jesus stretched out His arms and gathered His OT saints from across the chasm—from Abraham’s Bosom—into His arms, and took them home with Him. (Luke 16:19-31) The same way He stretches out His arms to welcome the lost this very day…

And then…He arose, the resurrected Lord, alive, mighty, and powerful over death He is risen, AND IT WAS GOOD!

O glorious day! AMEN, and Amen.

Before You set the edge of time
Foundations of the earth and sky
You saw it all and said that it was good
The joy was set before Your eyes
You knew that You would give Your life
You saw it all and said that it was good

Behold, behold the One, our love has come
Behold, behold the One, our King has come

The heavens warred, the earth stood still
His final breath, He tore the veil
The angels sang, “Holy is His name”
Defeated death, He broke the grave
Our hope returned, the lost are saved
We lift our voice in never-ending praise

Behold, behold the One, our love has come
Behold, behold the One, our King has come
Behold, behold the One, our love has come
Behold, behold the One, our King has come

Emmanuel, God with us forever
Emmanuel, Savior of the world
Emmanuel, Emmanuel
Emmanuel, God with us forever
Emmanuel, Savior of the world
Emmanuel, Emmanuel

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