page. A graphic illustration of a cartoon man on his knees with a boulder on his back marked SIN.


…when we turn towards Him and acknowledge that He knows us better than we know ourselves. That done, believers are then capable of releasing all their baggage!

Let’s face it—sin is HEAVY and full of consequences, whereas His peace settles around us like a dragonfly—shiny and bright.

  • His peace comes when we let go of all we think is important (ourselves and worldly desires) and dive head first into His love.
  • His peace comes 1000-fold to bless and renew the sinful. Because sin is wearisome business, and He wants to remove that burden from our lives and replace it with His yoke—which He promises is light (Matthew 11:30).
  • His peace comes when the believer stops, and turns away from their busy, anxious, heavily burdened life.

BONUS! Each time we turn ourselves over to Him, He deepens His peace to us. He accelerates the cycle until we are completely wrapped in it. And then the believer is continually surrounded in calm, rest, serenity, contentment, order, harmony, and purpose.

Peace brings fulfillment and joy, because if the believer remains in Him, His peace removes anxiety and fearfulness forever. In the midst of chaos He provides clarity of mind, and recognition of facts. His peace abolishes speculation and replaces it with Truth!

His peace creates assurance which leads to boldness and power.

His peace removes all doubt—a huge blessing!

His peace clarifies the believer’s purpose, and since there are no coincidences, there can be no such thing as luck, either—thus ensuring the believer that He alone is in control. He calmly directs, reveals His Will through one or a series of circumstances, and the believer boldly goes forward knowing the Lord will fulfill His promises through them, or stop the believer in their tracks if they mistakenly take a wrong turn.

Paul speaking in Colossians 1:20–…(“He will) reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross, through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.”

Oh Lord I pray, lift up Your countenance on Your believers, and bless them with peace, and strength. That in their days of righteousness, an abundance of peace lies upon them until the moon is no more. Lord speak peace over Your beloved, Your people, Your godly ones, and keep them from turning back to folly. That when their ways are pleasing to You, make even their enemies to be at peace. That You—the child born to us—God’s Son, whose name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace, will uphold Your believers with justice and righteousness from now until forevermore. Amen.

Numbers 6:26, Psalm 29:11, Psalm 72:7, Psalm 85:8, Proverbs 16:7, Isaiah 9:6-7.


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