page. A photo of a a beautifully set banquet table in all its finery.


…a theologian’s vision…

According to the Bible, we are inside a specific time domain—the church age—at the beginning of which the Lord Jesus Christ penetrated with His first coming to earth, and at the end of which lies the Rapture (departure, vanishing, disappearing, harpazo), where Jesus meets His beloved in the air. You can read about the church age in Revelation 1-3.

Physicists today are learning about this time domain and how it is penetrated in interesting ways—like black holes. But, Jesus provided us His own unique penetration in the form of an escape from this domain, as a way to meet Him in the air.

Harry A. Ironside, a theologian from Moody Church in Chicago (1929-1948) describes the following analogy to step outside our current time domain—it’s called Ironside’s Door:

“You’re walking down a hall and you come to a door—there are several, but you stand before this one door—and over the door it’s written ‘Whosoever Will, May Enter’. Now you are perfectly free to go in and out. The crowd goes past you and says, ‘nope, I’m going this way.’ But you remain at this door. You think about it. You know you can go in, or not go in—it is fully your choice. You have free choice whether you go in, or not. You decide to go in. You open the door, walk inside the room, and you’re flabbergasted because you see a banquet table set for a great supper. And you look closely and there is an empty seat and the placard has your name on it. That blows you away and you turn back to the door and above it on this side, the sign above the door says, ‘Foreordained Before the Foundation of the World.’ “


Thank You, Lord.

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