page. A photo of the Bible open to JUDE, part 1.


Read Jude

…it is the foreword to Revelation; a short letter from Jesus’ half-brother that is extremely important to our understanding of what is happening right now.

Surprisingly throughout history, theologians have widely ignored Jude—which means the deceiver continues to expend much energy trying to hide it—especially from God’s chosen.


Because God interrupted Jesus’ brother—while he was in the midst of writing a letter to his friends—and told him to write a warning letter to future believers about what will occur just prior to the Tribulation. Now think about that for a second—centuries ago God used His Son’s human brother to warn us about what is transpiring TODAY. Then God sent Holy Spirit to the disciple John, and told him to write Revelation. Some time later, when God placed the books of the Bible in order, He specifically tucked Jude’s warning directly ahead of His last book on end-time prophesy.

There are no coincidences for God’s chosen, therefore Jude, Jesus’ brother, and then John—the disciple whom Jesus dearly loved—obeyed God’s command and wrote down exactly what they were told. The significance is astounding, in that Jude’s warnings precede the Rapture, the Tribulation, and Christ’s Second Coming.

What does God warn us about?

Jude V1-3

Verse 1: “Jude, a (bond) servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James: To those who are the called, beloved by God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ.”

Jude could have begun by stating who he is, “I am one of the brothers of Jesus Christ!” He had a right to say that, and he would have spoken the truth. After all, Jude knew Jesus as a family member long before he knew Him as the Son of God.

Instead, Jude introduces himself as a lowly servant of God’s Son—Jesus, the Christ—his Savior who is the second figure of the Triune Godhead—Who is KING OF KINGS—and LORD OF LORDS—Creator of all things. Right from the start Jude refused to boast of his relationship to his once-human half-brother, choosing instead to identify himself as one of James’ brothers.

Introductions complete, Jude identifies to whom he is writing. He is deliberately specific. To those who are the called by God. And then he clarifies exactly who ‘the called’ are by further stating that they are God’s beloved (His chosen) who are kept (separate) for Jesus Christ. Jude identifies absolutely and without doubt, who this specific group of people are, and how special they are to God and His Son. Then Jude prays for increasing levels of mercy, peace and love upon them.

Verse 2: “May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.”

Why those three God promises/provisions? And, as if those three things weren’t enough, why multiples of all of them? To answer that we need to understand:

Mercy = forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within their power, and jurisdiction, and right to punish. Jude understands that God’s chosen, His beloved saved for Jesus, are still sinners who will make mistakes and those mistakes deserve punishment. But Jesus’ sacrifice on that cross saves them from God’s punishment. By His death Jesus took God’s punishment upon Himself. He did that for us = MERCY. In these difficult times God’s chosen require ABUNDANT mercy, multiplied daily, as we fight this fight.

Peace = Freedom from disturbance, tranquillity, mental calm, serenity, a state or period in time where there is no war, a treaty to end a war, freedom from dispute or dissension. Jude is praying God’s peace—which is not defined in any dictionary—upon God’s chosen. Jesus spoke of divine peace as something above and beyond normal peace. It is a gift bestowed upon His chosen to be carried INSIDE them.

It comes from within because it comes from Jesus’ gift of the third person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit, who provides His peace despite extraneous circumstances. A true and lasting peace through all situations—the ability to rise above horrible situations and look upon them with complete ease. This peace coincides with the absolute knowledge and understanding of where the chosen will reside during their everlasting life with God. This peace draws us close to God during difficult times. This peace allows us to continue fighting the good fight all the way through to the end. And we will need this peace multiplied upon us as things become more and more difficult.

What is Love = agape. God love. A totally different type than the ones we are most familiar with. Agape love transports His chosen above and beyond human existence, into the spiritual realm where battles are fought between good and evil. God fights for us! His love is multiplied as we fight according to the tasks He gives us. It is His love we seek when we stand before Him and hope He says of our obedience, “well done, good and faithful servant.”

Verse 3: “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.”

Jude identifies that he is writing to his dear friends. Well, which dear friends? Wouldn’t his dear friends know who he was? Who his brothers were? Of course they would! So why did Jude begin his letter by telling his dear friends what they already knew? Because Jude wasn’t writing to his current-time brethren.

He was writing to his future-time friends—those he would meet in life everlasting inside God’s kingdom. Jude was writing to present day believers!

And Jude is not writing to just any person in the future who happens to read his letter. Jude is speaking specifically to the called, the people God chose to be separated and kept specifically for His Son. Jude is speaking to the Holy Spirit filled believers of the current church—the body of Jesus Christ, who will not experience the first death. Jude is introducing the timeframe for THE major world event that will occur prior to Revelation. The Rapture (departure, vanishing, disappearance, harpazo).

Jude began his letter fully intending to talk about how wonderful their salvation is because of—and through—his God-brother, Jesus. But the Lord interrupted Jude and compelled him to write to us instead. Jude stopped what he was doing and explained what happened—what his half-brother required of him—and proceeded to write on.

He urges current day believers to fight to maintain our God-supplied faith. To multiply our faith by wearing the full armor of God (Ephesians 6) to battle what is happening right now, because as Jude goes on to say, evil now has control over all seven pillars required to live under our God-given rights to freedom (finance, education, medicine, religion, information, resources, and military). What they cannot control—or take away—from believers is our RELATIONSHIP with our Lord! For decades evil has worked to gain control, and now that it is obtained, the world is turned upside down. The proof is everywhere, evidenced in the illogical, hypocritical, duality of the U$A:

…masked people burn entire cities without fear of retribution, while peaceful innocent protesters are jailed for years without recourse.

…national medical bureaus tell the world that paper or cloth masks protect people from a deadly virus that is a million times smaller than a grammatical period ‘.’ While they require full face respirator masks to spray paint a car.

…abandoning American citizens and billions of dollars in military equipment in a foreign country is good for America.

…congress no longer votes on whether or not we go to war, but instead, sends billions of tax-payer dollars in military aid to a certain country in Europe.

…j@Bbing people of all ages with a manufactured bioweapon is the answer to a virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate.

…doctors of biology and newly appointed supreme court justices claim they can no longer identify if a human is a man or a woman.

…Department of Child Services (nation wide) is allowed by law to take children away from parents who refuse to make them wear a mask, or refuse to send them to public school, or refuse to allow them to be taught critical race theory and transgenderism.

…men believe they are women who are fully capable of birthing a baby, and biological women—who actually do birth babies, don’t exist—unless they want an abortion.

…in multiple countries, fake elections place very specific people in office to preside over nations.

…manufactured bio-weapons are intentionally released on the world population so a j@B cure with another bio-weapon can be injected. While the new normal is j@Bbed people suddenly die in their sleep, or contract cancer in organs they had surgically removed decades ago, or die of a heart attack at age 9, or…a thousand other nonsensical deaths.

…no evil person is held accountable, while the innocent are convicted under purchased judges.

…tr@nsg∑nderism is forced on students in public schools between kindergarten and 5th grade by teachers who are allowed to identify as anyone or anything, including animals. Now LGBTQI+ is highly encouraged, while heterosexualism is abhorred.

…g@y pride and tr@ns parades where naked men dress as women are attended by thousands, children included.

…the world’s elite conduct mass genocide and infanticide, starvation, blow up power plants.

Jude urges today’s believers to fight the LIES spewed by one very specific fallen angel—a creature more vile than we will ever be able to understand—who is responsible for all the upside down and sideways and twisted this world is experiencing. Jude is reminding God’s holy people that we are entrusted with a faith that surpasses all understanding. All we have to do is put on God’s armor every day, and reside inside God’s protective mercy, peace, and love.

PLEASE understand…God is providing evidence so you can protect yourself from what is coming…

He repeatedly provides evidence to His beloved, but He cannot cause, nor will He force people to respond. That is their obedient responsibility back to Him.

WHY you ask?

Because His beloved followers will be tasked to assist other, less fortunate people. His beloved become His hands and feet during times of trouble. Believers feed the masses through His provision. Believers tend to the sick. Believers house the homeless…


Ask God to help you run this race all the way to the end.

Tomorrow verses 4-5…

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