page. A flowchart of The Kingdom, Power, and Glory notebook, part 5.


Dear Believer, do you know what your calling is? This Scripture passage is the answer…

Ephesians 1:17-18–May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. That the eyes of your understanding may be opened, and that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of glory of His inheritance in the saints.

Ask Him!

Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to grant you God’s truth. Ask for His spirit of wisdom and knowledge for you. Ask Him to reveal His gifts to you. Ask Him to open your eyes to see His hope of you, that you can inherit. He will do this for all His beloved.

Nancy shifts gears during this last portion of her introduction to K,P&G and shares the two overwhelming responses to the book. The first response comes from believers who are confident in the reason for their salvation, who know where they’re going, who understand the importance of their eternal security. Nancy explains these people overwhelmingly love the book.

Those who are not sure about the real reason of their calling, who don’t understand their eternal destiny—these believers respond fearfully, they are apprehensive, and somewhat closed to the message the Lord revealed to her.


That is not the Lord’s wish for any of His beloved. It is VITAL to understand what God’s calling is in your life!

So Nancy shared her life verse—Philippians 3:12–That I may seize (understand, grab hold of) that for which I am apprehended.

She explains believers are bond servants to the Lord Jesus Christ, and she witnesses that after writing K,P&G she fully understood why God saved her and what He wanted her to do in preparation for her work in the Millennial Kingdom. Our time on earth is the training ground for the future!

She tied it all together with this verse from Proverbs…13:12–Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But when that hope is realized it becomes a tree of life.

Our hope is in the Lord. So when believers come to realize the real reason they are called—that calling, that hope!, becomes a tree of life for us, and it provides our inheritance in the Millennial Kingdom. The Tree of Life mentioned here, is the same tree that God placed in the Garden of Eden. It represents the possibility of man once again being in position to rule and reign with the King of Kings, as man did in the Garden with Adam and Eve, prior to their fall. The Tree of Life will stand tall in the Millennial Kingdom, representing divine wisdom and understanding for believers to rule and reign with Christ.

Lastly in the Bible, salvation, hope, and inheritance are interconnected. Once we’re saved, the new believer has abundant hope in their joyful newness as they walk with the Lord. But that hope could fail unless the new believer understands their eternal hope—their future inheritance in Christ. Don’t allow hope to be lost.

Nancy finishes by praying that K,P&G is not viewed as frightening, condemning, or intimidating. She prays it will be the total opposite. She prays the book will challenge believers to become faithful overcomers in their private, personal, and spiritual lives. She encourages readers to learn how to do this, to not be discouraged or overwhelmed. She reiterates that for those who are not yet faithful, who are not yet obedient, the Lord will help them learn to become faithful and obedient. He is there—lovingly ready and waiting to supply all the tools needed.

Just ask Him.

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