page. A photo of a steaming hot cup of coffee and ice cold water in a glass.


Jesus calls the saved to understand our current Laodicean Church Age. Revelation 3:14-22.

The Laodicean church is the last of seven churches to whom Jesus spoke in Revelation, chapters 2 and 3. It is the final church in God’s timeline, where we are living right now—also called the Church Age. This age is just prior to the Rapture (departure, disappear, vanish, harpazo).

In Revelation the Laodicean church brags that they are rich and wealthy, and don’t need anything. Jesus calls them the church of comfort, where the membership claims they have everything, while He claims they have NOTHING of value to Him. The Lord says this church is naked and exposed, because their actions—their desires for materialism, falsehood, and lack of servanthood—proves they openly follow the world. The Lord tells modern day  ‘Christians’*  that He knows their actions, that they are neither cold nor hot, but exist within a lukewarm mediocrity so vile that in Revelation 3:16, He says, “I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.” (*Please read the post Believer and Christian for the difference between the two.)

So when, O Laodicean Christian*, do you plan on dying to self? To become more of Him and less of you? When will the righteous fear of the Lord manifest itself in your hearts, so you stop sinning against the Son of God?

When will you heed His Word, study it, and serve him every day, hour, minute, and moment, so that when He calls upon you, He knows you will be completely obedient to Him?

When will you obey the first commandment? When will He become your everything?

On what day will you begin to praise and worship Him with all your heart, and soul, and mind? When will you pray to Him unceasingly?

When O Laodicean church, will you heed His messages to you? When will the Lord Jesus Christ become your Master, Lord, and King?

After you are raptured?
After you die?

Then you need to understand the difference between the One who came as a Sacrificial Lamb, and the One who is coming to reign on His throne, the throne of David as the Lion of Judah—the King of kings, and Lord of lords, Who is almighty, powerful, and currently sits at the right hand of God. The Sacrificial Lamb died for you. The Almighty Right Hand of God will rule over you.

The Lord Jesus promises never to remove His salvation, redemption, or justification gifts. But if, after your salvation, you choose to remain in the world, then you separate yourself from Him, and the same way He promises never to remove your salvation, He also promises that you will be cast out into the outer darkness, as far away from Him in the Millennial Kingdom, as you keep Him away from you now. Additionally, scripture says you will moan, and cry, and whine, and gnash your teeth, but He will not be moved. You will be given access to His Kingdom, but you will spend the 1000 years learning to be sanctified toward perfection.

And who will teach you?

The believers who sought His face, and studied His Word—who actively praised and worshiped Him, who practiced obedience to Him will while they lived here on earth. These believers are God’s ordained, sent to fill the gap between the Church Age—specifically between Laodicea and the Rapture. Anyone who is saved can be ordained, simply by choosing to work toward their sanctification.

And understand, it takes dedicated time and effort to be granted God’s truth, along with the wisdom, knowledge, and discernment to understand Him and His will, and what He wants. One cannot just begin spewing scripture in hopes their voice will be received. Should they do so, they will be judged accordingly.

Right now, these believer messengers and teachers are no different than any other victorious. However, during the MK they will be very different. They become His authority, and will rule and reign with Him. They will not judge, they will not testify against the unsanctified.


During the MK they will teach with the same level of love and hope that they have been trained to teach right now.

They harken to Holy Spirit so as not to grieve Him. By no means are they perfect, and they will be held to a higher standard—however, they will be greatly rewarded because they fear the Lord, obey Him, and keep Him right now.

And His faithful promise in return for their obedience is to bring these beloved close to Him during His 1000 year reign. They will not be cast out into the outer darkness. They will not mourn. They will be with Him as His chosen bride at the private Wedding Ceremony, and they will attend the Marriage Feast.

There is nothing, NOTHING that separates them from Him, nor Him from them. They do not fear rejection. They do not fear persecution. They do not concern themselves that the Godly messages they are given to teach might disturb both the unsaved, AND the saved. They seek only to please Him in their obedience. They seek only to be near Him throughout eternity. They are running the race that the Lord has set before them to earn their sanctification.

This is blunt and to the point because He has begun separating…

For those who desire sanctification: search any study Bible or concordance using the identifiers in this message. Holy Spirit will show you.


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