page. An illustration of an arm and hand reaching out of heaven holding a rod of iron.


…that the Lord Jesus Christ holds in His fist. We first learn about it in Psalm 2—during that great discussion between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—regarding the evil nations and their rulers.

Psalm 2:9—‘You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.’”

Yikes! Break who?

The eight prior verses tell us the reason and purpose for the rod of iron. In summary, all the nations of the world are in an uproar, and the people are planning to do some horrific things to God’s beloved. The scripture explains that the ‘kings of earth’ will take their stand along with the ‘rulers who council together’, and they, along with some of the populace work against God and His Son. These people who believe they are great, threaten and boast—and God LAUGHS AT THEM! His Son mocks them for their lack of true understanding. These people do not possess knowledge, wisdom, or discernment, because they chose to attach themselves to the great liar and they have been deceived. These people will one day hear the terrible and mighty voice of God thunder in their ears as He declares in fury that His Son will rule over the entire earth. And because of the horrors they currently commit—and continue to commit against His beloved—the Lord Jesus Christ will destroy them with a rod of iron.

Yet, in the verses immediately after V9, it is interesting to note that God and His Son provide a chance for these people to repent! But in viewing the world today, we do not see repentance—instead, the horrors are escalating—just as God predicted in V1-8.

Next is Revelation 2:27—and He shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father.

👆🏼This scripture in Revelation is written in the letters to the 7 churches. It references Psalm 2, where the Lord identifies Himself to the church in Ephesus and gives them instructions regarding how to correct their mistakes. It is vital to understand that these letters in the beginning of Revelation are prophetic and were written for God’s believers residing in His church TODAY. They are a warning explaining what God has planned for anyone who chooses to follow Satan. The letters are instructions on how believers in today’s church—in humble service to Him—are to correctly proceed. If any members of the church today ignore these letters from the Lord Jesus Christ, then the Lord will rule over these people with the same iron rod He uses against the people in Psalm 2. When these people claim to the Lord that they did good deeds, His response will be, “Get away from Me, for I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:22-23 and Matthew 25:12) That response from the Lord is Him ruling with a rod of iron. He will not make exceptions for those claiming ignorance.

Then we have Revelation 12:5—and she gave birth to a son, a male Child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her Child was caught up to God and to His throne.

In the above scripture, the tribulation has begun, which means the Harpazo (vanishing, departure, Rapture, disappearance) has already occurred. Millions of believers have been removed from earth, and chaos has ensued. Now, Satan rules earth without any interference from the Triune Godhead. In addition, God unrolls the scrolls that pour out His wrath upon the earth. The situation is dire for humanity as the Scroll, Trumpet, and Bowl judgements are unleashed. This is the tribulation and Great Tribulation, the seven year period that must occur prior to God sending the Lord Jesus back to earth for His Second Coming. V12:5 explains the incredibly important part of Israel’s history where Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, the Messiah as man—who came as God’s sacrifice for all people. The verse continues, explaining the Messiah will once again—as the God-Man—return to earth. But the next time He comes He will be the Almighty King of kings, and Lord of lords—who will rule with a rod of iron against the nations who performed atrocities against God’s beloved. The last part of that verse, after the semi-colon, explains that the Lord Jesus who stayed on earth 40 days after His resurrection was brought back to His Father’s throne room to await the timing of the Harpazo.

Understand! The rod of iron is God’s solomn warning that NO ONE who commits atrocities against His beloved creation—whether it be on earth, in the heavens, or under the sea—will escape His vengeance.

The next verse explains this explicitly:

Revelation 19:15—from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron, and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.

When the Lord Jesus Christ returns the second time it will be too late for anyone who has not already chosen Him as their Lord and Savior. The instant He comes through the clouds on that white horse, all is lost to those whom God calls the earth-dwellers—Satan’s followers. These people will be eliminated and the Antichrist and his false prophet will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. The Lord’s rod of iron is His vengeance against the people who harmed His beloved. And Jesus wields this rod as accurately against those who worked for Satan, as they wielded Satan’s horrors against God’s people.

This will be a frightening and grisly time for those who did not chose the Lord, because their actions will reveal the truth that is buried within their hearts. They thought they could harm and maim and destroy without retribution—that they would get away with their horrors and crimes, but God is love first, and vengeance is a very strong second.

GOD WILL AVENGE HIS BELOVED. And the Lord Jesus Christ will usher in the next age, the final chapter in earth’s history—The Millennial Kingdom.


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