page. A realism illustration of a herd of adorable lambs running toward the viewer.


John 10:22-29—“Jesus answered, I did tell you but you did not believe. The miracles I do in my Father’s name speak for Me, but you do not believe because you are not My sheep. My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and the Father are One.”

Back then Jesus spoke to people about Himself. They had the opportunity to hear Him face-to-face. Today Jesus speaks to all men through His Word—the Bible is rich with His voice—His RED WORDS.

Back then when He spoke, some people didn’t listen.

Back then when He spoke, some people didn’t believe.

Back then He performed many miracles, some people didn’t follow.

Same today.

He performed miracles right in front of their faces, and still, they did not believe. He brought dead people back to life before hundreds of witnesses. He instantly healed lepers, the blind, and the paralyzed. People were stunned. They struggled to comprehend what their eyes told their brains. Remember, the next time people witness miracles, it will not be from Him. NO! Miracles will come from the Antichrist and the false prophet—those two who John tells us in Revelation will be thrown into the Lake of Fire—but not before they deceive multitudes!

The Lord Jesus Christ explained how He was able to do the miracles—through the Will of His Father. Proof He is of His Father—His Beloved Son. Also proof that His Father is real.

Jesus calls His believers sheep. Boy, I don’t like that! Sheep are some of the dumbest animals on the planet. And yet, I am one of His sheep, a member of His flock.

I listen to Him.

He knows me.

I follow Him.

He corrects me when I’m wrong.

He comforts me when I’m miserable.

He found me when I strayed.

He blesses me amazingly.

And He rescues me when I go off and do something I ought not to do.

Sheep. I am a sheep belonging to God’s Beloved Shepherd—whom Father God also called the Sacrificial Lamb.

And I fully believe every one of the promises He speaks of in this passage.
I have eternal life with Him.
I will not perish.

No one during these times of trouble—not the government, not the UN, not the WHO, not the CDC, nor the FDA, or some alphabet agency grunt—can snatch me away from Him.

I was given to Jesus by the Father.

Adopted into His family forever.

Because God the Father Almighty is greater than all, and His promises are true.

What a blessing to know about these promises during the times in which we live. It gives me power and strength and commitment to keep sharing the gospel NO MATTER WHAT.



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