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You have entered a sanctuary, a refuge dedicated to people seeking scriptural truth about the Lord Jesus ChristWho He isWhat He did; where, and when. And we strive to answer why. TheREDWords is devoted to the Lord, therefore, all that He provides to us for free, is freely given to the reader. We will never ask for funds to access this website.

First and foremost, God loves you with a heart so full that He sent His only Son from heaven to live on earth. Jesus didn’t have to leave that perfect gorgeous place to come live here. He chose to!

To be made human, Jesus was conceived and born through a virgin. Yet, He lived here fully as man, and fully as God. He is known as the Son of God and the Son of Man because He is both simultaneously. Therefore, Jesus Christ knows what it means to be human. He experienced the same joys we delight in. He knows and understands persecution and trials, and He knows and experienced great mental, emotional, and physical pain. He KNOWS.

Jesus understands suffering. Yet, He is the only person in history who journeyed throughout His life never having sinned. Don’t misunderstand…Jesus was sorely tempted, and survived unscathed, so He’s been through it just as we have. But He knows that because Adam failed and chose against God, the rest of mankind became sinners, and therefore, separated from God.

Jesus came to rectify that fact. He devised a plan—a way for us to be washed clean and made righteous in the sight of God, the Father. Jesus left His heavenly home and came to earth to be the bridge between sinful mankind and righteous God.


Jesus began His ministry when He turned 30 and chose 12 individuals to be His disciples. Jesus taught, healed, prophesied, and performed miracles for three years until He was betrayed by one of His chosen. Jesus was sentenced to death for fabricated crimes He did not commit, yet He willingly sacrificed Himself—nailed to a cross—knowing this act would redeem all the sins of humanity—once and for all. Jesus sacrificed Himself to pay the ransom for our sins. He is humanity’s redeemer. 

And today Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of mankind provides the only Way back to God for those who choose a relationship with Him. In this, Jesus made it very clear. John 14:6—“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

But His life doesn’t end there. The most remarkable event in history takes place three days after Jesus’ death.

His friends took Him off that cross, wrapped His body and placed Him in a tomb. The timing was such that they were unable to embalm Him, so three days later the women returned to finish that task. Early morning they arrived to the tomb and discovered it opened—and empty. Distraught and confused, the women saw an angel. He asked them why they were searching for someone who clearly was not there. Of course this remarkable question confused them and the angel explained that their Lord and Savior had risen from the dead and would meet them soon. The women rushed back to the disciples and on the way the Lord Jesus appeared and greeted them by name. He spoke words of encouragement and gave them instructions for the disciples.

And so, Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is known today as the Good News of the Gospel, which has saved and changed the lives of those who chose to believe in Him. We are believers and you can learn more about us on the A AND E page. We have chosen Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Every day we strive to deepen our relationship with Him through His Word. We praise and worship and study and pray, so when Jesus’ helper—Holy Spirit—tasks us—we obey. is the ministry that the Lord Jesus Christ assigned to us. We are tasked to love and teach and serve those whom He sends to this place.

And that brings us back to the beginning. TheREDWords is His sanctuary and refuge—one of His solutions to a world bereft of His love, truth, promises, and protection. This website is a safe place for seekers to learn about Him, because He wants to pour His love out on you. He wants to protect you, and bring you peace, joy, and hope. He wants you to learn about Him, because His way is simple and sure, but not always easy to comprehend. We understand that firsthand, because we were new seekers once, too. To best begin, start reading the BLOG in reverse–oldest post to newest. The older posts are dedicated to seekers and new believers—while the newest posts require a bit of understanding to fully absorb the material.

Lastly, we are not perfect, and we don’t claim to know everything—no one can for the mysteries of God are veiledbut we promise to do everything within the power the Lord Jesus Christ provides us, to teach you the truth about Him, His life, and His Way according to His Word—the Holy Bible.

And so, once again, welcome friends and blessings in His Holy Name.

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Q:  What Are The Red Words?

A:  They are the words spoken in the New Testament by God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ—printed in red. This tradition provides a wonderful way to separate Jesus’ words from the remainder of the New Testament narrative.

Q:  What RED Bible Translations Do You Recommend?

A:  New American Standard Version (NASB95)

King James Version (KJV)

New King James Version (NKJV)

International Standard Version (ISV).

We also appreciate translations that capitalize the Triune Godhead personal pronouns. This helps identify who is involved, and who is speaking in specific scripture verses.

Q:  Do You Have A Favorite Bible/Study App?

A:  Blue Letter Bible

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TheREDWords Rules:

1.  Comments, questions, interactions, and clarifications are welcomed. Follow the Golden Rule, please.

2.  The degradation of society forces us to say: No profanity. No abuse. No bullying. No porn. No exceptions!

3.  We do not judge or criticize, because only the Lord knows what lies within a person’s heart. Judgement is an enormous job reserved for the Lord God alone, therefore we will protect commenters from judgement and criticism. Remember this website is a refuge for learning. (1 Corinthians 4:4)

4.  Posts with external links will be deleted. Commenters who repeatedly post external links will be banned. (This ensures no porn.)

5.  For your protection, please do not share any personal information—names, contact information, social media links, etc.

Need clarification? Contact info:

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Our Prayer Over Every Visitor:

O Lord God—Who holds all things in the palms of Your hands, hear our prayer for this visitor today.

You drew them to this place of refuge, therefore bless them Lord, and give them peace. Provide to them the gift of uninterrupted time with You and dedicate their heart and mind to Your message. Provide them with a new level of understanding as You show them Who You are—gentle, kind, loving beyond all measure, truthful, and trustworthy. You never lie. Your promises are sure, Your timing is expert, perfect, and absolute.

Show each seeker what You’ve done and how You provide the greatest gift of all—the gift of YOUand through salvation, Your promise of everlasting life and eternity with You forever. As You hold each visitor dear, so will we. We ask Your blessings upon them Lord.

In Your Holy Name Jesus, we pray.


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Keyword Searches:

Disappear, disappeared, disappearing, disappearance
Vanish, vanished, vanishing
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Armor of God
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Kingdom of God
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