An illustration of the word LOVE.


“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace…” (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Jesus Christ was made to be humanity’s compassionate King. His desire is to rule and reign with His beloved in peace, harmony, trust, faithfulness, and love.

But strife, confusion, uncertainty, war, destruction, persecution and death dominate our modern world. There is very little peace in it. Take another look at the definition of misery to see that it opposes all of the things the Lord Jesus Christ died for, and now yearns to provide to His believers.

Out of love He came to earth.

Out of love He served, taught, healed, performed miracles, and raised the dead.

Out of love He took into His person all the sins of history.

Out of love He alone bore those sins to the cross and with His sacrificial death destroyed sin once and for all, FOREVER.

Out of love He washed all of humanity clean from sin—all a person must do is accept Him as the Way, Truth, and Life that leads to His Father.

Some will—some won’t.

Those who chose Him, and are dead, live spiritually with the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven.

Those who have chosen Him, and are alive at the moment the Father sends His Son to get them, will meet the Lord in the air—along with those who died before. The Lord Jesus Christ will transform these beloved people into new resurrected bodies and bring them home to heaven, where they will witness the events of the 7 year Tribulation. (Rapture, Harpazo, vanishing, disappearance, departure)

This is the Lord’s great protective love for His followers. But there’s more…

At the conclusion of the 7 year period, King Jesus will physically return to earth as the King of Peace (Hebrews 7:2) with a brand new government that will be unlike anything ever experienced.

He will ride on the clouds followed by a mounted army. The moment He dismounts from His white horse, the Lord Jesus Christ will assert His authority over the horde who chose Satan—His enemies—the ones who persecuted His beloved prior to, and throughout the 7 year Tribulation.

Thereafter, King Jesus will establish His 1000-year earthly reign by restoring planet earth back to the Garden of Eden.

His throne will be in Jerusalem. His government will usher in a time of complete peace and goodness.

People will praise and worship Him and fellowship together.

Nations will blend in utter peace and acceptance of one another.

This will be a time of great Biblical learning, wisdom and knowledge.

People will tend the earth—dominating its resources and inhabitants in loving authority.

Animals and people will cohabitate in complete harmony.

Rebirth, renewal, rejuvenation and peace will continue until the survivors of the Great Tribulation marry and produce children. These children will be born into nearly total perfection.

They will grow up without Satan and his influence.

But these generations will—once again—introduce into the world Adam and Eve’s original sin, as recorded in 1 John 2:16 “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”

While their parents chose Jesus as their Lord and Savior during the Tribulation—and despite King Jesus’ governance of bounty and peace and protection and love towards them—some people in these generations will refuse Jesus as their Lord.

They march to Jerusalem at the end of the 1000-year Millennial Kingdom.

With the keys of Hell in hand, God releases Satan from that pit and he leads this massive army to the plains of Megiddo, just as he did at the end of the Tribulation.

As the entire world population watches, God rains bolts of fire down onto these rebellious generations and destroys—once and for all—the original sin of Adam and Eve.

Now, all that remain on earth are the people who have chosen Jesus Christ—the One who brought them into perfection to return them to their Father.

With perfection living in the hearts of every single person, God the Father destroys the earth His Son created in Genesis. And He brings down from the highest heaven a New Heaven and a New Earth. On it is the New Holy City of Jerusalem, where the Father and His Son will reign forever and ever. 

“…and of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end.” (Isaiah 9:7)


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