page. A photo of two hands cupped together.


“Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands…” Isaiah 49:16

Oh to be so loved! Believers names are inscribed (engraved, carved, chiseled, scored, permanently etched) on God’s palms.

God ensures us in Isaiah 49:1 “Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar…” that He CANNOT forget anyone who’s chosen Him. He never forgets.

He frees those who were bound, and brings those living in darkness into the Light.

He promises we will not hunger or thirst, nor be scorched by the sun.

He has compassion on us.

He leads us.

He guides us to springs of cool water.

He promises easy travels.

But still unsure, the people in Isaiah 49 cried out and said, “The Lord has forsaken me. The Lord has forgotten me!”

And God answered them by asking, how can a woman forget her nursing child, or the one she carries in her womb? Even if a woman forgets her children, He will not.

He carves our names on His body.

Thank You, Lord! Amen and AMEN!

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