1. Seeking Salvation
  2. Grief
  3. Hope
  4. New Believer
  5. Praise/Thanksgiving
  6. Repentance/Forgiveness
  7. Family/Friends
  8. Feeling Lost
  9. Sanctification

The LORD God Almighty provides an open door into His heavenly throne room to every single person on earth How? Through prayer. The Apostle Paul tells us in Thessalonians 5:16-18 that prayer is the answer to every life circumstance:

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ for you.

When a person comes before God in prayer, their voice is like a sweet lilting song in His ears. God hears every single prayer! So, do not fear that your words fall on deaf ears —it is quite the opposite. Wait upon the LORD God and allow Him to work in your stead, for those prayers which come before Him in truth, earnestness, and hope will be fulfilled.

The prayers that the LORD God loves most are those rising up from a seeker—that person who desires Him in their lives and asks for salvation through the LORD God’s one and only Son—the Lord Jesus Christ. There is never a moment of hesitation or waiting. If the seeker comes with a repentant heart and true hope and desiring to be saved—this request is fulfilled immediately. And then, all of heaven rejoices! Angels sing, and there is feasting and dancing, as bells toll, and laughter peels across God’s Kingdom. HALLELUJAH and Amen!

Oh! One last thing—if you are so stuck that all you are able to do is fold yourself into a ball and weep, just say Jesus’ name and know that Holy Spirit will intercede to God the Father for you (Romans 8:26-27)! For your prayers are a sweet, sweet scent to Him. (2 Corinthians 2:15 Starter. An image of the raging sea with the Cross of the Lamb standing strong.



SEEKERS PRAYER OF SALVATION—spoken when a person fully understands coming to the Lord Jesus Christ through FAITH in His sacrifice and resurrection which He accomplished for all humanity, then personal REPENTANCE, and finally, absolute TRUST in who He is as the Son of God, for no one can come to the LORD God except through His One and Only Son. Amen:

LORD God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve the consequences of my sin, but I am trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior today. I believe that His death and resurrection provided for my forgiveness. I trust in Jesus and He alone is my personal Lord and Savior. Thank You, Lord Jesus for saving and forgiving me! Amen.

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O LORD God, I heard that You loved the world so much that you sent Your Son to die for me. I want to understand what this means, but right now I do not. I need help understanding how this relates to me in my present situation. If You are there, God, please open my heart  and mind to this mystery—because how can anyone be willing to die for me? Amen.

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O God, how can I ask you anything if I do not have proof that You are there—that You even exist? I don’t know if You are real! I can’t see You. I can’t hear You. I can’t touch You—so how is it possible You are who You claim to be? Open my eyes, ears, heart and mind and give me the faith necessary to understand. Amen.

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GOD! I am a good person, especially compared to others I know, because I don’t do anything bad. Yet, people say that in order for me to be in Your presence I must admit that I am a sinner first—that I must repent of sins I don’t even know I’ve committed. Help me understand what I must do to come before You. Help me to see the wrongs I’ve done against You. I can’t find my way to understanding. Amen.

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O Lord Jesus, I believe that You came to earth as a Man, a teacher, a healer, a prophetbut I’m not sure that You are the Son of God. I am trying to work my way through what this means to me. Please help me to understand the fullness of what You did when You took my sins and spared me on that cross. It is so much to comprehend. Open my mind and heart to what this means for me. Amen.

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Back to top. Starter. A photo of a mature woman praying.



O God help me. I am crushed. I am hurting—the pain is so intense—more than I can bear. I’m reaching out to You Father. Please comfort me. Show me that You are near. I am wiped out, alone, and miserable in my grief. Father God be with me. Amen.

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God! O God, what is happening? How is this possible, this pain and suffering. Who can endure it? It’s overwhelming; the pain so intense my heart is going to break. Please help me, God. Please come near and take this pain away—even if it’s only for a little while. Help me, LORD!

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Back to top. Starter. A photo of a seedling whose shadow has grown into a mighty tree.

3.  HOPE


Lord Jesus, in these troubled times I seek Your everlasting peace and contentment. Provide to me, Lord, the time and ability and resources to come into Your presence and know that You are God. You alone are the Great Provider of the wonderful things—love, joy, hope, and the fulfillment of Your many promises. I reach for Your promises now, Lord. Grant me Your peace and contentment, I pray in Your loving Name. Amen.

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Back to top. Starter. A photo of a young woman deeply in love with the Lord Jesus Christ.



O Lord my God, You chose me and I am forever grateful. Thank You for coming and living inside my heartfill it with Your presence today. I don’t know what’s next, or what is coming for me. Please assure me and come close to me and help me learn Who You are. I seek You. I want to know You more. Open the way for me to serve you according to Your will, O Lord. Wash over me Your hope, truth, and joy, that I may bask in Your ever-present love. Fill me with Your knowledge, wisdom, and discernment and provide me Your truth—for You are the Way, Truth, and the Life. Lord Jesus, I pray these things in Your Holy Name. Amen.

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Back to top. Starter. A photo of a young people lifting their arms in worship.



Some Ideas: Thank the Lord for His sacrifice that guarantees salvation, and redemption. Thank the Lord for justification—being made righteous and holy before God. Thank the Lord for His creation and your place in it. Thank the Lord for His many blessings. Thank the Lord for all of His promises, which He will fulfill. 

O Lord, my Savior, thank You for loving me so much You came to earth knowing You would die for my sins. What amazing love You’ve shown toward me, Lord! Thank You that you created this beautiful world for me to live, filled to the brim with reminders of You, Who You are, and Your continuing influence. You hung the moon and the sun and the stars. You restrict the oceans to their basins. You cause the birds to fly across the vast and blue sky. Thank You for the coolness in Your deep woods, the majesty of Your tall mountains, and the bounty of Your wide prairies. Thank You Lord for…

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Back to top. Starter. A photo of a young man kneeling in repentance.



O Lord I come before You broken and ashamed. I have sinned grievously against You and I confess to You and ask Your forgiveness. I do not want to remain in unrighteousness. Cleanse me from my wrongdoing—wipe my sin as far was as the east is from the west. Cast my iniquity  far away, never to be seen again. Wash me clean that I may start over, free of guilt and shame—for in You there is conviction, but no condemnation. O praise to You Lord, for Your promise of no condemnation. Guide me forward and keep me from repeating this mistake, as I desire to bury only You deep within my heart. Thank You Lord for Your mercy, grace, and forgiveness. In Your Holy Name. Amen.

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Lord I can’t let go. I’m burning with anger and resentment. I’m filled with an all consuming hate. Why did they do this, Lord? And why do they always hurt me? Why does it have to be like this?  They’re wrong and nothing I say or do makes them understand how bad it is for me. I can’t get past this, Lord. I need You now. I can’t do it on my own. Please give me peace, and some hope. Separate me from my pain and show me Your comfort. Teach me to forgive, for it is not in me to forgive. Show me the way toward forgiving them. O Lord I pray in Your Holy Name. Amen.

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Back to top. Starter. A photo of a happy family.



(Change gender and name)

O Abba Father, thank You for Your beloved daughter, ___________________ and her seeking heart. O LORD, would You set Your loving gaze upon ___________________  and not release her until she is one of Your beloved children. Turn her fully to You, O LORD, that she may see the wonder of Your ways, and come into Your house forever. Bless _________________ today in some special way that she would recognize is from You. I love You, Father and thank You for sending Your beloved Son to die for our sins, wash us in righteousness, and lift us into everlasting resurrection into Your Holy Kingdom. My prayer is to You alone, through Your Son, our beloved Yeshua, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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Back to top. Starter. A photo of a confused woman who is seeking answers in her life.



My Lord and Savior, I need You! I do not feel Your presence, and I long for it. Search my heart, O Lord for any iniquity that would separate me from You. Aware of my sin or not, convict me, for I don’t want to be without You. I ask Your forgiveness and that You would show me Your way that I may walk with Youforever nearby. Don’t leave me aching and alone. Touch my heart and fill it with Your love and guidance, for You are the only way and I know no other. Bless me with a deeper desire to know You, but first come to me and show Yourself, I pray. In Your Holy Name, Jeshua. My Lord and Savior. Amen.

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My Lord and Savior, I need You! I do not feel Your presence, and I long for it. Search my heart, O Lord for any iniquity that would separate me from You. Aware of my sin or not, convict me, for I don’t want to be without You. I ask Your forgiveness and that You would show me Your way that I may walk with You forever nearby. Don’t leave me aching and alone. Touch my heart and fill it with Your love and guidance, for You are the only way and I know no other. Bless me with a deeper desire to know You, but first come to me and show Yourself, I pray. In Your Holy Name, Jeshua. My Lord and Savior. Amen.

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Back to top. Starter. A painting of the royal crown of King Jesus.



My Lord Jesus, I am ready and desire more of You. I want to learn the mysteries of Who You are. Will You open a new chapter in my learning process? Please guide me to the next level of understanding. Show me the next scripture, the next holy book in Your word that will take me ever deeper into Your presence. I desire to fully know You, and yet I realize that will take eternity. Oh, how I long for that time to come, when all Your beloved believers will be with You—learning, and loving, and wrapped in Your arms. I await that day, but until then—teach me, Lord. I so look forward to being deeper in Your presence. Teach me now, that I may die to self, to be made more like You. Amen.

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