page. A photorealistic color image of Noah's Ark.


…and perhaps something we relate to our grandparents, or even our parents. But preparedness is also Biblical.

God came to Joseph in a vision while he worked for Pharaoh and told him to prepare—seven years in advance!—of a world-wide famine. Joseph stored wheat throughout Egypt, and saved people from starvation.

God told Noah in a vision—120 years in advance!—to prepare a very strange boat, because He was going to flood the earth with rain and waters from the deep. Now, Noah understood ‘waters from the deep’, because that was how God watered the earth’s vegetation. But God had to explain rain to Noah—because up to that point, there’d never been any! Good thing God prepared Noah in advance, because it took him all 120 years to get that boat built.

Crazy, right? Especially living in an age where we pop on the internet and place an order, or drive to the grocery (or have them delivered to our front door!), or head to the mall for anything we desire. In our world, preparedness, like our grandparents experienced, just isn’t necessary.

We were chatting over coffee recently, discussing the next major event, and what it would look like, who it would affect, and how badly. Financial collapse? Nuclear war? Another plague? Seizing weapons? Drone strikes? Some new microwave burst thingie?

The future is already known…read Revelation. But between now and then, think about this: The Great Depression began in less than 24 hours. One day people had money in the bank and the next day the government told them their money disappeared. Poof! Just like that.

If WWIII turns physical (we’ve been in an information world war for over three years now), are we faced with nuclear?

What about a hemorrhagic virus?

Maybe we’re made too sick to fight, and our weapons are confiscated? We are packed into camps?

Internal drone strikes on US citizens? Or some new technology weaponry?

Be spiritually PREPARED. Get right with God through the sacrificial blood of His Son Jesus Christ.

Be physically PREPARED. Stock up on essentials—not just food, but equipment, supplies, daily goods, medications, books, information, instructions, how-to. Remember to stock up for your pets, too.

Know this: God will not forsake His children. He will never leave you. He is for you. He HAS overcome!


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