page. A photorealistic color image of a good angel fighting an evil angel.


God is spiritually protecting earth right now, but there will come a day He no longer will.

Currently, there is an enormous dome of protection over the earth. Above the dome a mighty spiritual battle rages between good and evil. Fallen angels and demons grapple with God’s angel army, while God protects earth’s inhabitants (Ephesians 6:12, 1 Peter 6:8, Deuteronomy 28:7).

But satan is growing bolder in his deceptions, using his earthly minions—the ones who sold themselves to him for riches and power—in an attempt to control humanity. These people enslave women and children—trafficking them for money, sex, and blood. They used psy-op fear tactics to shut down the entire world for over a year—locking people inside their homes, away from their families, churches, schools, jobs. They develop bio weapons from long-ago obliterated diseases, and release them across the globe, then quadruple their wealth on the sales of v@xine$. They cripple entire economies. They manipulate armies, and governments, and elections. They silence by murder anyone who speaks against them. They are above the laws of all nations—free to do as they please, but only to the unprotected.

God protects because inside the dome are His faithful, His children, His beloved servants, sealed by Holy Spirit. They move among the fearful, the sick, the weak, the unprotected—and share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They sow the seed of God knowledge, they speak Truth from the Lord Jesus Himself, because right now there is occurring a great harvest of new believers—young, old, rich, poor, healthy, ill, black, white, brown, yellow, red, Democrat, Republican, Patriot…

And they are not afraid!

They are God’s church, His hands and feet—and they thrive inside the protection of God’s strong tower. They know the Truth! And that is God has a spiritual wall around the world right now, as He waits for earth’s population to choose Him. This is the Great Harvest.

And when the harvest is complete, when God has all of His church—those who chose Him—He will send His Son in a twinkling—like a thief in the night to meet us in the air—and God’s church will be removed, vanished, disappeared, departed, Raptured. Afterwards God’s dome, His protection, will vanish.

According to Revelation, earthly kings will rule under a one world leader for 3 ½ years before Satan, the deceiver, comes in bodily form to indwell the one world leader for the last 3 ½ years. He will mark humanity with his number, claiming ownership of those who accept his mark.

God will not stop him. All of this must take place, but then, at the end of those horrible 7 years Jesus will return to earth in bodily form, along with his army of saints.

Hallelujah! and Amen!

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