page. A photo of a man in serious prayer with his hands before his face.


Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.


The core maxim for the quest for wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord—meaning awe, wonder, amazement, reverence, high regard, respect, knowing He is all powerful. Not fear like panic, terror, horror, alarm, anxiety.

Knowledge and wisdom are closely tied together in Proverbs.

Knowledge tends to focus on correct understanding of the world and oneself as creatures of the magnificent and loving God, while wisdom is the acquired skill of applying that knowledge correctly.

The reason that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of both knowledge and wisdom is that the moral life begins with reverence and humility before the Maker and Redeemer. It asserts that love of His truth and submission to the Lord is foundational to the attainment of real understanding (Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 9:10).

Proverbs 3:5-6 trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

Trust in the Lord is necessary for fulfilling any of the wise ways taught in the book of Proverbs, therefore “with all your heart” indicates that trust goes beyond intellectual assent to a deep reliance on the Lord, a settled confidence in His care and faithfulness to His promises.

“Do not lean on your own understanding” explains further trust in Him, where the word ‘understanding’ is His perception of the right course of action, not ours. The wise will govern themselves by what the Lord Himself declares, and will not set their own finite and often-mistaken understanding against His.

“Straight paths” means to make the course of a person’s life one that continually progresses toward a goal, the emphasis is on the moral quality of one’s life path according to the Lord’s will.

Make your goal to be fully obedient in your servanthood here and now, so you receive your sanctification and Millennial Kingdom inheritance when you meet the Lord face-to-face (parable of the talents).

What better words could be spoken in all the world than hearing Jesus say upon your arrival, “well done, good and faithful servant”? Maybe it will be having Him say “because you have been faithful in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things: enter into the joy of your Master.” (Matthew 26:21 & 23. Luke 19:17 & 19 provides specifics regarding what the ‘many things’ rewards will be.)


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