page. A photo of a child holding the Holy Bible up to his forehead as he prays.


Originally published August 2021…

Throughout 2020 (the year of clarity) and into 2021, I told anyone who would listen that ‘they’ are specifically target-killing the children and the elderly.

Why the children?

Because they have no voice—they are ‘expendable’ from womb (where their aborted body parts are highly valued) through infancy and elementary age, up to age 12. There are organizations who claim children are ‘valueless eaters’. However, organ and child traffickers consider children to be a high-value commodity, around $32B yearly. (Check out Sound of Freedom)

Why the elderly?

Because they have personal knowledge of history—their life history—what they’ve witnessed.
Because they’ve had a lifetime to assess the good and the bad.
Because they’ve had a lifetime to connect the dots.
Because they have strong voices filled with wisdom and discernment.
Because in their old age they’re not afraid to shout factual truth from the mountain tops.
Because old people don’t give a rats patootie whether they ‘offend’ someone with the truth.
And because they will do anything to protect their families.

In both cases, believers need to be their voice. This song places a blessing on the mature and their descendants…

Elevation Worship

The Lord bless you and keep you.
Make His face shine upon you.
Be gracious to you.
Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.
May His favor be upon you, and a thousand generations.
And your family, and your children, and their children, and their children.
May His presence go before you and behind you and beside you.
All around you and within you.
He is with you. HE IS WITH YOU!
In the morning and the evening.
In your coming and your going.
In your weeping and rejoicing.
He is for you. HE IS FOR YOU!

May you be richly blessed today…

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