page. A photo of two hands holding two puzzle pieces and putting them together.


Practical Knowledge from A AND E_1

Observing patterns can help people understand the timing of specific events. It’s called Pattern Recognition. When something occurs twice, a pattern has formed. Thus, an observer is assured that particular pattern will reoccur.

OK, so what is an example of Pattern Recognition?

Has anyone ever lied to you? Did they lie to you again?

If a person lies to you twice, Pattern Recognition teaches this person will lie to you repeatedly.

What to do? Most people protect themselves by understanding the liar will always lie. Whew…tough on a relationship, they usually end.

OK. How can Pattern Recognition help?

It allows people to prepare ahead of time.

Here’s an example:

1.  In October 2019 Bill Gates warned during Event 201 that a global Covid pandemic would cover the earth. The entire world knows what happened in late December of that same year in Wuhan China. In March 2020 the world began locking its citizens down. And early 2021 along came the mRNA vaccine. A drug, according to Dr. Rober Malone, with a long history of failure resulting in multiple side effects, including death. During Event 201, according to LinkedIn, Bill Gates stated “you can make a lot of money by investing in vaccine manufacturers.” And he did! According to FinancialExpress, Gates grossed $200+ billion by investing in Moderna, Pfizer, and Astra-Zenica. People who pattern Bill Gates stocked up on hydroxychloriquine, ivermectin, and chlorine dioxide to combat viral infection. They also opted out of the mRNA vaccine and subsequent boosters.

2.  4 through 8 November 2021, multiple news sources report Bill Gates warned every government, during a Health Select Committee Policy Exchange interview, of a bioterrorism Smallpox epidemic. Bioterrorism Smallpox? That indicates the disease (eradicated worldwide in the 1970’s) is being reintroduced AND weaponized. Who would do that? 17 November 2021, according to Yahoo News “The FBI and CDC are investigating questionable vials labeled Smallpox found in a freezer at a Merck facility outside Philadelphia. This alert was sent to the Department of Homeland Security leadership. 15 vials with identification—5 marked smallpox, 10 marked Smallpox Vaccine. Investigation remains ongoing. The vials were found by a worker cleaning out a freezer. The vials are intact. According to Yahoo News, Smallpox, a disease caused by the variola virus, is considered so deadly that only two labs in the world are authorized to store samples, including one in Russia and the other at the CDC in Atlanta. Scientists have debated for years whether to destroy any remaining samples.” People who pattern Bill Gates already have chlorine dioxide and added Sarracenia Purpurea tincture from the purple pitcher plant to their apothecary.

Coincidence or Pattern Recognition?

3.  20 August 2020. BBC—“750 Million Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Be Released—into the Florida Keys. British Oxitec releases GMO DNA modified mosquitoes (OX5034) through a grant provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The company says there will be no adverse risk to humans, after positive results in Brazilian field trials were conducted. The company plans to deploy the mosquitoes in Texas in 2021 by gaining federal approval. In a statement denouncing the project, environmental group Friends of the Earth said: “The release of genetically engineered mosquitoes will needlessly put Floridians at risk.” To which an Oxitec scientist (who remains unnamed) answered: “We have released over a billion of our mosquitoes over the years. There is no potential for risk to humans.” Interestingly, no one at Oxitec will reveal how (or with what) OX5034 mosquitoes were developed. Nor will the company reveal where they released those billion bugs. But on 10 July 2021 Politico reported, “Landmark Rollout Against Malaria—For the first time, the world has a vaccine against Malaria. RTS,S will be piloted in three African countries and given to children under age 2, with a 30% effectiveness—400 children out of 10,000 saved. The vaccine’s arrival is a silver lining. More than three decades in the making, it was developed by GlaxoSmithKline, tested with financial support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The roll out will be supplied by the U.S. Agency for International Development.” You can do the research regarding who is behind that agency. Meanwhile, the trouble with DNA modified mosquitoes is they refuse to stay put! 23-29 June 2023 Herald Tribune, DallasNews, and CBS News all report CDC issued dire warning of new Malaria cases in Sarasota FL and Dallas, Austin TX. First cases of Malaria in US in 30 years.  People who pattern Bill Gates already have chlorine dioxide and added artemisinin from sweet wormwood (as a tincture) to their Plant Based Medicine arsenal.

Bill and Covid.

Bill and Smallpox.

Bill and Malaria (mosquito bites).

Why would he want to reintroduce ANY disease back into the world population? Pattern Recogntion provides the answer. Money.

So what can people do to help themselves in this new and ever-shifting world?


Educate yourself.

Research non-mainstream media.

Prepare by: stocking food, heritage/heirloom/organic/propagate seeds. Sprouting. Grow food year round (hint: container hydroponics requires few materials and no electricity), build a plant-based apothecary (hint: plants were medicine for thousands of years prior to big pharma), stock bulk dried herbs, stock cheap 80-proof vodka for tinctures.

Identify local resources for everything.

Learn to barter.

Learn to hunt—snares, sling shot, crossbow, trap, shoot.

Learn to defend (hint: ladies…PRACTICE!)

Have a well-stocked (physical book) library, because Information = Knowledge = Wisdom = LIFE.

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